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She is only 2&1/2!!!!!

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  • She is only 2&1/2!!!!!

    OMG My DD has taken to saying " I hate you mommy!"
    Does anyone else hear this from their sweet,little toddlers?? probably not

    I mean really...I thought this was what you needed to prepare for when they become teenagers?!! Anyway I have told her that it is not a nice thing to say. I told her that if she is not happy w/ me, or someone else to say "I am not happy with you"...I sware she's responsible for some of these gray hairs I have been finding! I mean she is a total sweet-heart lovey huggy little girl one minute then el grumpo mean mouth the next...hmmm kinda sounds like my jekly and hyde post about DH...well there ya go "she gets it honest" another thing to curse DH for!!!

  • #2
    When my neice was three she was sitting at the table with SIL and SIL's mom at a family gathering and she'd worked herself into a snit about something or other and was being unhappily corrected for it. So she crosses her arms and says "I. Want. My. Grandma!" So SIL points at her mom and says "Well you've got one right there--you still can't get up yet." And neice says, "Nooooo! Not her! I want my GOOD Grandma!"

    Rotten kid liked both her grandmas just fine--she was just playing off whoever happened to be around, of course.

    I don't get how they learn where all everyone's buttons are at such a young age.
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King


    • #3
      My 2.5 year old says similar things from calling me stinky or poopy head to complaining I don't love her when she doesn't get her way. She gets this from her older sister who probably heard it from somewhere else. At first I was bothered by the words, but she is just echoing what she is heard and I don't think she knows what she is talking about.

      I hear ya on the drama of the teen years.



      • #4
        Mine says, "Hey!" and "Stop it!" and, of course, "No, Mommy!"

        I have no idea where she gets it.

        She is so two, such a girl, and a whirlwind of energy and tongue lashings.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #5
          My two year old likes to chime in when his big brother is in trouble. The little guy will start mimicking me and giving big bro time outs or ordering him around. A couple of days ago I told ds#2 to stop it because it is my job to discipline his brother. Ds#1 replies "Mom. You have a lot of jobs." I guess I must say it too much.


          • #6
            Ah...the words that totally break your heart....

            If only they weren't so damn cute you might be able to sell them....(only kidding right now, as both mine are sleeping).


            • #7
              oh - i've heard it. you're not alone. the first time it broke my heart. since then I just try to ignore it and not show a response. he's only saying it to get to me - so I don't give him that.


              • #8
                You guys are scaring me. My daughter is 10 months and I haven;t even found my stern voice as yet.


                • #9
                  Re: She is only 2&1/2!!!!!

                  Originally posted by pinkpickles
                  OMG My DD has taken to saying " I hate you mommy!"
                  Sadly, Aidan's "I hate you mommy" is usually punctuated by him spitting at me. Obviously, it's not tolerated, but I feel your pain.

                  ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                  ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                  • #10
                    The little girl I babysat used to tell me she hated me all the time. I would tell her "That's fine you don't have to like me but you still have to ...(insert what ever task I had asked her to do)" Then she tried to fire me. When I told her mom she just laughed and said Sophia tried to fire her all the time too.

