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It's going to be a long year

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  • It's going to be a long year

    I have a very upset 2 1/2 year old crying that she wants to go to school (big sister just left). "Please, pleeeeeease, mama, I go to school."

    Is this going to happen three days a week? :thud:

  • #2
    I did that. My mom talked to the preschool and they accepted me because I was toilet trained. Full time preschool at 2. I've regretted that tantrum ever since!

    I'm sure she'll settle down once the two of you get your own routine set. She's just missing the sister.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #3
      You're funny, Angie!

      There is a full week option for 2 year olds but it is a lot more expensive. Since I've been thinking of looking for work (absurdity since I am 6 months pregnant) I've actually considered that. I'm having a little freak-out about DH finishing an me not being employed. But that is much more of a window into my brain than anyone probably wants.

      My oldest had an absolute fit this morning as well. By 8 am, I had spent half my awake time listening to my weeping and wailing children.

      Ever since intern year, we have gone through periods of her COMPLETELY freaking out if she doesn't see her dad before he leaves. This led to all sorts of early waking problems, etc. For the first time ever, she had been consistently sleeping until 7:30 this summer and was not at all upset that she woke up after he left. With the start of school, she is back in the spring out of bed mode, and this freak out mode. She is hypervigilant about hearing him leave, wakes up too early, and sees him drive off, becomes hysterical. (She has even run out the door after him ). I really thought that we were done with this. Oil the door, shut this or that door, BTDT and it doesn't work. The best solution is that he just wakes her a little before he leaves and tells her to stay in bed so she can wake up gradually. Or he needs to leave earlier when she is in a deeper sleep -- that works now but didn't before.

      By the time she left for school, she was fine and ran out the door without giving me a hug or saying much of a goodbye. Hello, I am chopped liver.

      No doubt, I'll be reminding him to do something about this tomorrow!


      • #4
        im counting on a full out tantrum twice a week from dd. if it's anything like last week when ds was dropped off i think i may go postal.
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          I'm trying to tell myself it is just a matter of finding a way to work around it. Same for the fit with the older -- we used to page DH and saying goodbye by phone would work. Just need to find the new 6yo solution.

          I trade trips to the bus stop with the neighbor. She does the morning and I do the afternoon pick-up. I'm wondering if we walk her to the bus and see her off to say goodbye there if that will help. That or she will throw a fit because she can't ride the bus. We'll see. She loves her big sister, that is for sure!


          • #6
            Thanks, Alison! I think that is what is bothering me -- having my own thing to show for being done. There are lots of things I love about being home with my kids and lots of things I miss about working.


            • #7
              I was thinking of something with a cocktail shaker.

              I do need to think of something and once it becomes a habit that will help. The promise of swim lessons with "silly teacher Ryan" did nothing.

              I'm thinking that walking her to the bus and continuing to the playground might be a good place to start.

              Chocolate...that would make me feel better!


              • #8
                You just had to throw in chocolate.

                Actually it would be nice if she had a playgroup or some activity of her own to do during that time.

                ETremove big tangent that should get a new thread.


                • #9
                  Quinn does a lot of "I miss Bo-bo". My favorite is "Now we're a broken family!" (I have no idea where he got that one).

                  I try to play up that this is Mommy-Quinny time, or find something he likes to do to bribe him with. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

                  A morning of wailing / whining ... not my cup of tea!!! Maybe earplugs for mom??


                  • #10
                    What's that sound? The sound of peace and the absence of my dulcet darlings screaming their heads off.

                    Talked to the oldest last night about needing to get enough sleep in the morning, that dad leaves earlier than she should wake up, she might not remember him saying goodbye, etc. She slept half an hour later than yesterday. No tears. Phew. Hopefully that was just a blip. I really don't want it to start up again.

                    Anna is fine today because she is going to preschool. A little, disappointed that she doesn't take a bus. Keeps saying "mama drive to school". We'll see what happens tomorrow. I'll come up with something fun and start talking it up tonight to see if that helps and talk about it before Bryn walks out the door.

          's quiet.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nmh
                      Keeps saying "mama drive to school".
                      a whole lot better than "Anna drive to school."


                      • #12
                        another day of pre-school for ds, another day of full out tantrum "where my brodder" from dd.
                        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                        • #13
                          nmh wrote:
                          Keeps saying "mama drive to school".

                          a whole lot better than "Anna drive to school."
                          That made me laugh.

                          Nellie- We have similar experiences with DD waking up hysterical if she can't say goodbye to her dad. Along with that she wakes up at the crack of dawn thinking she should watch TV. I have asked her to stay in her room until it says 7am on her clock. That has been working. Usually Avery is ok with calling her dad at work to say good morning and ask why he didn't say goodbye to her.



                          • #14
                            Tara, Do you mean the Reid Park zoo? We LOVED that little zoo when we lived in Tucson. You can by a year pass for the whole family and one free guess for $40. We went ALL the time and I really miss it!

                            Sorry, back to what you were originally talking about.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Momof4
                              Originally posted by mom2three
                              another day of pre-school for ds, another day of full out tantrum "where my brodder" from dd.
                              I'm so sorry Sylvia, it does get easier. Maybe you could plan to take the other kiddos someplace after you drop off brodder. The zoo always worked for us, at least the little ones had something to look forward to.

                              Tara, i have been thinking about what i can do with the girls. mostly dd#1. there is a playground right around the corner from the pre-school that they would love. dh also thinks i should pack up my double stroller and walk around the neighborhood. the area is loaded with dawkters and spouses....maybe that is a good idea???
                              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

