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My second grade science show

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  • My second grade science show

    I went in to my daughter's class today to do a unit on science tools. The kids LOVED it, but I think the teacher thought I was going to do something different. I don't know why I should let that bother me. She seemed happy, but surprised at the route things went. She invited me in on Friday and gave me no direction other than "Say a few things and then we'll let them play with stuff." I set up a few experiments for them to try and choked out a science is great speech. They were clamoring to get their hands wet, so I let them jump in. It was chaos, but happy chaos. My daughter was thrilled.

    So, tell me....why can't I be happy with that? It bothers me that I got it "wrong" with the teacher - even thought clearly the kids learned a lot and were very excited. I guess I'm still in awe of the teacher thing (at 38 ) and HATE to do something that veers off the assignment.

    So - reassure me. Isn't it better that I got a room full of kids clamoring to be scientists? Isn't it great that the girls in my scout troop begged me to do science with them at scouts? My daughter spent the last 2 hours looking through a microscope at slides and mixing colored waters with the graduated cylinders and test tubes I've dug out for this.

    I can't believe I'm really concerned with impressing the teacher more than all that. But I am.

    I'm invited to go in to two other classrooms and I'd like to strike a better balance. Do you think that's possible? Or should I stick with my happy chaos approach and get over myself?
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

  • #2
    I think its GREAT that you got the kids excited about science, especially the girls.

    As for the next teachers, maybe ask them if they have anything specific in mind - otherwise, just do what you want. Maybe the teacher was a little surprised that the kids liked it so much?

    Sounds like tons of fun!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Are you kidding? She was probably just mad that you inspired the kids more than she does.



      • #4
        Originally posted by jloreine
        Are you kidding? She was probably just mad that you inspired the kids more than she does.

        That's what I was going to say.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jloreine
          Are you kidding? She was probably just mad that you inspired the kids more than she does.

          Exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you're awesome...and I bet the teacher does too. Seriously, Angie, she probably expected you to come in and give some sort of a "science is fun"...sort of thing followed by a little craft and you let the kids go at it and really experiment! Go, Angie, Go is all I can say.

          When can we book you for Central MN?

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Angie - you are a PhD, you managed to bring it down to the kids level, you got the kids involved and excited about SCIENCE. Even if the teacher was surprised about the direction it took, he/she should have the good sense to be pleased with the outcome. Perhaps she just doesn't like to be caught off guard.

            You did good.


            • #7
              I think a lot of people have misconceptions about scientists. Somehow, they expect it to be veeeery clean, tidy and asceptic. All about control. That has not been my experience. I think the teacher was just surprised that I planned on taking on so much. She told me when I walked in that "This may not work out". ( I'd left her a note about my intentions.) I think she was just breaking it to me that I might not be able to control the kids with that much activity. did work but it was loud and the kids were working independently. There was a lot of talking over one another.

              She's a great teacher. Very flexible. I just think that's not how a *real* teacher makes a lesson plan. I suppose I was hoping to be teacher perfect AND kid perfect. My daughter tells me that's not possible because teachers do boring things. I'm trying to embrace the fact that I'm *interesting*--even if I don't think the school is going to call to hire me soon.

              I guess that's the root of my anxiety. I got a little excited about being invited to go in to multiple classes by the school. I started building a little fantasy in my head about them asking me to do more and more and more...until I'm science co-ordinator for the district or something. Hey - a girl can dream, can't she? So, the teacher's opinion mattered in that regard. I should stick to trying to excite the kids about science and stop looking at it as a career move. I hate when I let ambition over-ride my real intentions. After all, somebody has to teach these kids what science is REALLY all about. The misconceptions do run thick. You should see their wall about "What scientists do" and "What scientists are like".
              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


              • #8
                I think the teacher was just surprised that I planned on taking on so much.
                I'll bet you are right. And if she asked most people to do all that, they would feel like she was asking too much. You just surprised her. Some of the other teachers might try to snag you in the hallway. I had the impression from the k-garten teacher last year that some parents come in and are boooooring (don't know their audience). Maybe that is part of it too.

                Sounds like fun!


                • #9
                  Angie, it's awesome that you provided such hands-on, exciting experiences for the kids. Sounds like they had a blast!
         did work but it was loud and the kids were working independently. There was a lot of talking over one another.
                  Maybe the teacher was suprised/uncomfortable with the level of noise? My personal feeling is that the more kids have to say about something, the better -- it definitely indicates their level of interest and enthusiasm. But I know a lot of teachers who are uncomfortable with a lot of noise in the classroom.

                  I think you did great. Before you know it, all the other kids are going to be clamoring for you to come to their classrooms, too.
                  Married to pediatric surgery fellow, SAHM to 2 munchkins


                  • #10
                    Angie, have you heard of the mad scientist birthday parties and such?

                    Our first grade teacher said they would be doing a show in her classroom sometime this year. I'm not sure how it is paid for, PTA funds perhaps? Maybe you could be your school's mad scientist. We also have a Science Night. We weren't able to go last year but the description is "...chance to meet scientists, see science demos, try out some brainteasers, and more."
                    I think you are on to something.


                    • #11
                      I teach college kids. And sometimes I'll have a guest speaker come in and the students will be SO excited by the guest that I admittedly feel a bit because on typical days the kids usually sit there and at me or sit there 8) . It's probably the teacher just feeling jealous about how dynamic, enthusiastic, etc., etc. the class was when you were there. I wouldn't think anything of it. Keep doing what you're doing! It sounds great!
                      married to an anesthesia attending

