other parents when their kids misbehave?
For the most part, I don't....If I'm a witness to something, I pretty much will tell the kids to stop what they are doing (if I see someone doing something to injure someone else, etc). But, for example, even with the prank calls I got from my neighbor's daughter's cell phone...I pretty much handled it by telling the child to not call my phone anymore like that because it is impolite. I didn't go to the parents.
All around me though, are tattlers. Both crazy neighbor and her good friend have told me on more than one occasion "gee, I don't want to upset you, but...
So this am I got another call from CN's good friend. "hey, I don't want to offend you or start any fighting neighbor stuff or anything."
"but...alex was outside on Saturday with a bat and he was sticking it through the mailbox and people's mail fell out. I told him to stop." I thanked her for the call. First off, it was not a bat, it was a noodle for swimming and...he was doing it to our mailbox. He very may well have done it to the neighbor's as well and it isn't acceptable. I'll address it.
I told CN's friend that I would never have a problem with her coming to me with something...the only time I would have a problem is if she started badmouthing me or my children to other neighbors without bringing an issue to my attention. She stuttered and stammered over that one.
Still...I never tattle...but I'm thinkin' I might start. :>
For the most part, I don't....If I'm a witness to something, I pretty much will tell the kids to stop what they are doing (if I see someone doing something to injure someone else, etc). But, for example, even with the prank calls I got from my neighbor's daughter's cell phone...I pretty much handled it by telling the child to not call my phone anymore like that because it is impolite. I didn't go to the parents.
All around me though, are tattlers. Both crazy neighbor and her good friend have told me on more than one occasion "gee, I don't want to upset you, but...
So this am I got another call from CN's good friend. "hey, I don't want to offend you or start any fighting neighbor stuff or anything."

I told CN's friend that I would never have a problem with her coming to me with something...the only time I would have a problem is if she started badmouthing me or my children to other neighbors without bringing an issue to my attention. She stuttered and stammered over that one.
Still...I never tattle...but I'm thinkin' I might start. :>