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  • C-sections

    I am hoping and praying that the two little ladies remain heads down so I can deliver vaginally, but I should probably be prepared for having a section.

    So...what do I have to look forward to? I've had people tell me it's a far worse recovery than a vag. delivery and that it's very painful. Who wants to give me the real scoop? I am scared sh!tless of having a c-section. :!

  • #2
    I had three C sections. I would take one over vag. any day.

    You're NPO, you go in take some anti-acid nasty drink, get an IV, get a cath. (wait until you have the spinal if you can. OUCH.) get some blood work drawn, slap a pretty little cap on your head, do the spinal, hang the drape, you puke if you have a reaction (of course you dh can tell you this ) the doc pokes you and says "can you feel this"...then a few minutes later a bouncing baby! You go to recovery and when you can move your legs, they take you to your room. My doc wanted me up and walking asap. when the doc or nurse asks you if you're having gas say YES, so you can eat. The clear liquids get old after a day or two. stupid me...i was so that they were asking me....i didnt say anything for about 36 hrs. hospital stay was 3 days....then home ward you go. recovery for my first was fine...second, not so bad. third...agony. infection, opening of incsion, MAJOR pain for months. we were in baltimore and i didnt have help. i did everything and we had stairs. so as long as you have help and REALLY take it easy you will be just fine. one week post op, the staples will come out.

    i realize i totally rambled ...but dont be scared. it's not bad at all...IMO.
    you will do great!!!
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      I really wanted to have a c-section w/ds#1 ... I was so afraid of giving birth. Turns out I have pretty easy deliveries.

      For people I know who have had them, the big difference seems to come from whether you were in labor for days and pushed for hours and THEN had a c-section, or if it was a scheduled c-section. I think the latter feel much more equipt for recovery and dealing w/the baby (ies) afterwards.

      I hope they stay head down! You have been in my thoughts SO MUCH Chris! How far are you now?

      PS - love your avatar.


      • #4
        After the section, I was sore for the first 3 ish days that I was in the hospital...rolled sideways to get out of bed, that sort of thing. I also blew up with fluid too though, so that might have made it worse...take the pain meds!! I would try to wait and then would get real painful real fast...though, I was better with 1/2 the lortab they gave me than the whole thing. I had a urinary catheter placed when I was admitted...they had to make sure my kidneys didn't shut when they pulled it and I started peeing off all that fluid I was up and moving a lot!!! I would also walk to the NICU with milk every 2 hours...but other than that I stayed mostly in bed. After I was discharged I felt pretty good....but still would tire easily, and couldn't use my abs...After about 2 weeks I felt pretty much like normal...and definitely way better than pregnant. I'm 4 weeks post now and have started doing some ab tightening/sitting crunch type stuff when I rock Daegan...and it doesn't hurt at all. And I can sit up in bed and lay on my belly...the full boobs are another story!

        I really wanted a natural the section was not in my plan at all....though now that I've done it, it was pretty easy. I'm planning to try to VBAC if we have more, but if I end up with another section it won't be the end of the world. I may have just been lucky.
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • #5
          I had two, no problems here, just be sure to not try to do too much too soon, it is abdominal surgery.
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            I also hope the babes stay head down. I was induced and went through 10 hours of labor and only dilated to 1 and Max started having problems. He was fine once they turned the pitocin off so I ended up having a c-section. The actual c-section wasn't bad and I was also very frightened of having one but b/c I had not slept at all the night before and the epideral I was shaking and out of it. I agree that having a scheduled one is probably much better.

