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expectant mommy...

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  • expectant mommy...

    check in please!

    how are you all feeling? when is the projected due date? overall thoughts on the upcoming arrival? excited/nervous/overjoyed/just get this baby out of me already!

    i hope everyone is feeling well and getting some sleep!!!
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    Thanks for asking. I'm due next Wednesday. Feeling pretty good. I expect to be pregnant at least another week or so, but I'm glad I'm off work now (went in for a couple of hours today to tie up loose ends and...finito!) so I can take my afternoon naps and run my errands when nobody else is out and putter around the house mooning about babies.


    • #3
      20 weeks - I cannot believe I am halfway there

      My alleged due date is 3/3/07. If history is any indicator, I will go at least a week or more past that date. We found out we are expecting another little girl!

      I am one of those happy pregnant women, and really feel great. I am so tired, I can't help but sleep soundly even with bathroom breaks. My only complaint is these fall allergies, but now that we have had a frost even that will be better.

      I was a little bent our of shape at the lack of options for birth here in Iowa. I think I have found a solution that will work for us now, and have DH on board. Our last child was born at home, and that is what I hope for this baby as well.

      Oh- and we are leaning towards the name Cecilia Jane
      Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


      • #4
        Congrats, mommas!

        We too, finally, have settled on names (one for each sex) but I'm going to hesitate to share them until the critter's officially here.


        • #5
          I am only 16 weeks and just feel like a chubby girl for now... no belly, clothes are too tight but feeling good. Due date is late march... hopefully AFTER match day! I am excited there are a few of us due around the same time. Enjoy your weekend ladies!!!!

          :@ Erinn
          Wife to PGY5 ortho resident
          SAHM to 3


          • #6
            Thanks for asking Sylvia

            Well you can tell this will be my fourth(in less than 5 years) .
            Unfortunately as I posted in my journal, I have some painful feet & ankle problems. The nausea is there , have :: a few times , oh yes and peeing more!

            As for the due date I will try & get a ticker up after my OB visit! If all goes well and this is a successful pregnancy, I am gonna guess a June baby.

            I definately know I will not be having this one @ Banner Good Sam downtown PHX. The experience w/ DD#2 was IMO AWFUL , DH & my OB had to "lay into people" about all the crap that went wrong!!!
            I will shop around this time!!!!


            • #7
              Pinkpickles, I'm seeing the midwives at Bethany Women's Health Care and delivering at Phoenix Baptist. I toured the L&D facilities last week and it's pretty nice! They have a decent reputation for making your birth experience a good one.

              Erin, I remember that phase, I had a breakdown over the lack of pants that fit me! You'll have a "pregnant" belly before you know it.


              • #8
                Spotty, I am a repeat c-section-er. DH & I have always wanted Level III NICU hospitals for our deliveries. Does the hospital your delivering at have that & are there security measures in place? We prefer teaching hospitals, but we always make it clear that only minimal involvement from Fellows or Senior residents at the most.
                When DS was born I had every type of student (medical & nursing) bothering me @ all hours! I also want the floor to have security measures , such as ankle monitors on the baby& a mommy monitor on wrist, as well as a lock down / alarm system.
                Here in PHX @ BGS, I was appalled when they said "oh you need to move the baby crib to the other side of your bed , for security reasons."
                I said "Why? Isn't it impossible for someone to take a baby from this floor?" That's when I found out that the largest hospital in the entire state and in the 5Th largest city in the US had absolutely no security measures, other than the eyes of whoever may be looking in any given direction @ any given time! My DR was awesome, but the hospital ,my stay& care earned an F!


                • #9
                  Nope, Phx Baptist is more of a low-risk facility, with only Level II neonatal care. There's security, albeit lax compared with some of the measures I've heard about (like ankle monitors that trigger lockdown).

                  Good luck finding the right facility for you! Perhaps the 'Copa?


                  • #10
                    im glad to hear everyone is so well!! i remember having that "im not huge enough for maternity clothes, but too huge for regular clothes feeling." soon enough the "big as a house" feeling will come.

                    Alison and Suz..i kinda just sit here and smile with this on my face. the hospital where i had my three babes has 10 beds and 2 delivery rooms. no security, no bracelets, anklets or nametag scanners. rural living baby! whenever i have been there, i was usually the only patient there. sometimes there was one other mommy/baby...but being a c-section girl i outstayed everyone. i LOVE the hospital...2 docs in the same practice, been there for 35+ years. dh and i were talking the other night...*if* we decide to go for it again...where will we have our baby??

                    anyhow, im glad that all is well and sounding normal!! i cant wait to see pictures. you're gonna post pictures, right???
                    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by pinkpickles
                      Thanks for asking Sylvia

                      Well you can tell this will be my fourth(in less than 5 years) .
                      Unfortunately as I posted in my journal, I have some painful feet & ankle problems. The nausea is there , have :: a few times , oh yes and peeing more!

                      As for the due date I will try & get a ticker up after my OB visit! If all goes well and this is a successful pregnancy, I am gonna guess a June baby.

                      I definately know I will not be having this one @ Banner Good Sam downtown PHX. The experience w/ DD#2 was IMO AWFUL , DH & my OB had to "lay into people" about all the crap that went wrong!!!
                      I will shop around this time!!!!
                      I had a friend deliver at Scottsdale Shea and I delivered at Good Sam. We didn't have a problem, but when I went to visit my friend it was like stepping into a luxury hotel. It is also a very large birthing center (If your partner is anything like mine, delivery volume as an indicator for bells and whistles in an emergency ) I haven't seen Scottsdale Osborn, but maybe that might be cool...and closer...too. I have not heard good things about St. Joe's, however.
                      Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


                      • #12
                        If it weren't for my ticker, I'd have a harder time answering this question. I'm 30 weeks and closing in on 31. For the most part, this has been my easiest pregnancy but also the one with the most weird little things. Go figure. I'm starting to get tired and in the last few days have developed some nasty heartburn that is making me crabby.

                        Honestly, I'm sometimes thinking -- "what are we doing" as big picture to the "what am I going to do with the kids" detail sort of stuff. So I guess I am feeling a little anxious and overwhelmed. Mostly just today. Other days I haven't been feeling that way. It's funny knowing the baby is a girl as I have had that to wonder about before. I'm curious to see what she looks like, what the girls think of her, all that. We just about have a name picked out but I'll save that for later.

