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hot sling or baby bjorn?

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  • hot sling or baby bjorn?

    I bought both and honestly couldn't get used to the sling thing with my newborns. Maybe I was using it wrong, but it made me nervous that they seemed crumpled in there and I couldn't get their heads or faces to poke out and get some air. I have fond memories of the baby bjorn though. Everytime DH would take one of the dudes out wearing it he would be surrounded by women within 5 minutes. It was pretty cute. I swear there's a successful business in guys renting babies and puppies just to pick up chicks. (sorry if I've offended anyone with my 'chicks' reference...) (or my renting out babies comment...)

  • #2
    I swear there's a successful business in guys renting babies and puppies just to pick up chicks. (sorry if I've offended anyone with my 'chicks' reference...) (or my renting out babies comment...)
    My brother used to try that with our dogs. I can't believe he didn't think of the baby angle!

    I really like the Baby Bjorn and don't have a sling to compare it to. I'm going to try a sling this time around as well because a friend of mine has a spare one to share (she recently sold her sling-making business). She mentioned something about the hot slings I don't recall...


    • #3
      I had a few I loved the baby bjorn one, it felt so much more secure, the baby wasn'y bouncing around and much more supportive on my back, i carried ds in it up until he was 10 months, I love it.


      • #4
        Loved the Bjorn -- couldn't deal with the sling. It felt awkward and not safe.

        I took DD to the dog park in the Bjorn and then in the REI Piggyback when she was older A TON -- three times a week for sure.

        Loved it. Can't imagine not having it.

        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


        • #5
          one handed typing...

          I have a Hotsling and I love it!! (I also have a wrap, but Daegan is too small for it right now.) Daegan loves the sling and I feel he's safe and comfy in it. It's easy to put him in and out...I do wonder if it'll be too heavy on one shoulder when he's bigger....but thats why I got the wrap.

          True or not, I've read that the position of the hips in the Bjorn isn't great for hip develpoment....since Daegan has osteomyelitis very close to his hip, I didn't want to risk it. My sis also had hip probs as a baby so another reason to not risk it. The whole hip thing could also be not true....I don't know enough either way.

          There's my $0.02
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            I had a snugli and hated it. The people I know who had a baby bjorn were much happier than I. I just know the snugli did not have an easy way to get the kid back out once he was in it, and there was no way to do it w/o waking him up. The wraps or slings seem to win that battle, and I do plan to get one w/my next baby.

            I have a friend who used her sling all the way up to 18 months or so. It was just extra support at that point for hip carrying, and I think it also helped to lessen the amount of wiggling they do at that age when you're trying to hip carry them b/c the kid associates the wrap w/being "strapped in" (for lack of a better term).


            • #7
              I'll try to remember to ask my friend about the slings.

              I used to work in a baby product store and some got returned a lot more than others. It was a while ago and there are lots of new ones on the market, but I remember taking back a lot of the NoJo ones or the ones with rings. FWIW.


              • #8
                I used a Bjorn w/ Jack until he got too heavy and then it was killer on my back.

                I don't know anything about the Hotsling, but I now use a pouch sling from, Jack seems to like being in it.

                -Wife of urology attending.
                -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                • #9
                  DH won't use either in public
                  Russ also refuses. I keep trying to lure him with pics of Gavin Rossdale doing it...

                  I wonder if he'd go the mei tai route...
                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #10
                    Done both, loved the pouch! Bjorn is good but I loved the pouch for the cradel hold and for the hip hold. But I recently lost mine and am tearing my apt up to find it, if I don't I think I'll cry

                    check out:


                    watch out it's a cult


                    • #11
                      I posted something similar almost a year ago, don't know where that thread is now.

                      I have used both a Baby Bjorn, and a Hotsling. Handsdown, the Hotsling wins. It is the best money I have ever spent. I wish I had known about if before we had our first. With our oldest, and #2, I used a Baby Bjorn, and while is was good, it was really hard for me to use it after they hit about 7 months old due to strain on my back.

                      Last December, right before #3 (Reed) was born I started researching slings. I had tried a sling given to me with #2, but it was too bulky, hard to tighten to make things more "secure" and snug. Anyway, someone here had recommended Hotslings. I looked at a couple of other companies, but I loved the look of the Hotsling. It has a non-bulky, sleek style, and it folds up to the size of a cloth diaper . Reed is now 10 months old and I can still use my sling. Not to mention when I was 9 months pregnant with him, I was able to try it on with my middle child. You can use it until they reach 35 lbs. in a hip carry.

                      I cannot rave enough about my Hotsling. I get so many compliments on it's one piece design, and so many questions on where I purchased it by other moms. Even a gal at Babies R Us asked where I got it, and before I answered she said "I know it wasn't here, because that looks way cooler than anything Babies R Us carries."

                      Anyway, I LOVE my Hotsling.

                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #12
                        Personally, I'm trying to talk DH into getting an Ergo backback Now if I can just get him over the sticker shock!


                        • #13
                          I have an Ergo backpack. Have you looked on CraigsList or ebay for a used one?


                          • #14
                            Not yet, I"m gonna go to a local boutique to try it out IRL first, but I think it will serve my needs really well - we like to hike as a family.


                            • #15
                              I have a mei tai, a bjorn and the new native baby carrier I like them for different reasons- the bjorn is most comfy for long periods, the new native is good for when she is going to be popped in and out and the mei tai is good for wearing her on my back, although I havent used it with DD2 yet. I rarely use the kelty baby backpack, it is just too heavy, bulky and hurts after a while.
                              Mom to three wild women.

