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hot sling or baby bjorn?

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  • #16
    Imitations of Bjorns are horrible!!! Just try one at BRU. The knock offs usually have buttons or clasps to undo. The Bjron has a unique slip clasp that is very easy to do with a sleeping baby. I found other knock offs HORRIBLE to get off w/out a baby in it! But it's totally differant compared to a sling. The other thing to remember is for a Bjorn the baby has to be 8lbs, a sling you can use after birth.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chrisada
      so are the bjorns really worht the extra money? they seem so expensive! has anyone tried an imitation?
      horrid, horrid, horrid ... just don't do it.


      • #18
        i have used both. i highly recommend the hotsling. i wish i had discovered it for my first! i still use it almost daily whenever we go out. it is very comfortable. my only recommendation is if you are between sizes to get the larger of the two sizes. also, i bought mine on ebay. you can get one for about 1/2 the price of retail, brand new.

        my husband loves the bjorn though. i have seen them recently at marshalls and tjmaxx for $25/$30. don't know if they are at all of their locations, but it is worth checking versus paying the upwards of $90 for one...


        • #19
          Another vote for the Ergo here. I have way too many carriers and this is the only one that I consistently use every morning, noon, and night. The new Ergo looks really nice, too.
          I could NEVER get the hang of the slings. I had the Maya and the Peanut Shell and it was always so panic attack-inducing for me. When my DDs were newborns, it seemed like the would fall to the bottom of the sling. They just never felt secure to me (but then again, I'm the type of gal who double knotted her tennis shoes in school).
          The Bjorn is awesome. . .SO easy to use once you get the hang of it (which takes one day!) The only drawback is that when your baby hits around 3 months, it is really tough on your shoulders and back.


          • #20
            Here's Daegan in the Hotsling...usually he's more tucked in than in the pic....he wanted to be more out that day...he didn't feel as secure though...

            And here he is in the Storch wrap. Now that we have this one carry figured out I prefer it...and he seems to too....but I havne't figured out how to get him in and out quickly yet, so the Hotsling still wins if we're out on the go.

            Mom of 3, Veterinarian


            • #21
              Oh and ignore the double chin in the last's positioning I swear!!
              Mom of 3, Veterinarian

