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Low Muscle Tone, anyone else 12mth not crawling or walking?

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  • Low Muscle Tone, anyone else 12mth not crawling or walking?

    We recently went to a neurologist at the advice of the ped at DD's 12 mth check up due to the fact she doesn't move a whole lot: rolls some, doesn't crawl, basically sits mainly, and doesn't bear much weight on her legs either. Basic blood work showed no obvious issues, and she is mostly ok on fine motor skills. We are currently waiting to hear from FirstSteps if she qualifies for their program. If not we are off to pt at a local hospital once a week.

    I ***try*** really hard not to worry, and DH is like well we except her and work with her, I'm the worry wort

    Anyway she's hopefully to be able to walk by the age of 2, per the neurologist.

    Any btdt advice?

  • #2
    I did not experience it but had a friend who did w/her middle child. She ended up doing PT and getting inserts for her shoes that went up to her ankle if I remember correctly, but eventually Lili didn't need that at all. She finally started walking around 16 to 18 months if I remember correctly. She had some balance issues for awhile, but eventually gained what I considered to be normal control. Last I saw her (before we moved) she was around 3 years old and running like a maniac. Low tone was the exact phrase that was used to describe her.

    It should all work out, but I do understand your concern.


    • #3
      ds was a bum shuffler and never crawled, well he crawled after he walked. he took a few steps at 11 months and then stopped and then took it up again at 13 months.

      On the mums board I go on there are loads of kids that don't start walking until 14-18month age and this subject is a frequent topic there. Most replies say that some kids just take a bit loger and they'll do it in their own time.

      Hope it all works out! It's good nothing showed up in her bloodwork etc.


      • #4
        It's a 'concern' but not a ginormous seething stay up at night concern. (I did a drive by consult with my husband) He did say that information is never a bad thing. He recommended that you definitely consult with PT. Exercises do more than move muscles, they they also 'teach' the nerves to do what she tells them to. Some kids just can't quite get that all together for a while. Off the record as someone who has worked with people with disabilities forever, fine motor skills are a good indicator that things seems to be OK.

        Feel free to PM me with any other concerns you may have.


        PS- Our son didn't walk until he was 14 months. Now, at 2 and a half, he's a monster


        • #5
          Your daughter might just need some PT or OT. It's worth looking into but I wouldn't lose any sleep on it.


          • #6
            DD#2 didn't walk until 16 months. She didn't crawl normally until after she walked. She combat crawled and never knew how to stand up on her own without some support. Once she learned that, she took off. Now she is all over everything.


            • #7
              I wouldn't let yourself worry yet....Our oldest didn't move until he was 15 months, didn't crawl ever and then even when he started to walk he would fall over and not even bother to try toget up! Turned our he was just UBER laid back and still is today. He's an incredible and natural athlete now at 10.
              The latest addition is 9 months and also does nothing in the way of movement, can roll onto his back and that's it. When he decides to do the rolling thing he panics and has a fit. My MIL is pt and she has given us suggestions, but quite frankly I don't do any of them yet....when he is ready he'll move (pretty sure it will be for food)
              If it would make you feel better to work with your little one then I would try that though.


              • #8
                17 plus months for child number one. I'd love to tell you that I was all cool, calm, and confident with the knowledge that all kids do things on their own time frame, but I wasn't.

                DS has been slightly behind in growth and gross motor skills from day one. At 6.5 he's mostly caught up because there is such a continuum at this age.

                I hope that this all works out for you!

                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                • #9
                  Thanks so much for your input and replies! DD was screaming and so beside herself while I was getting dinner ready she didn't even realize she put herself into a crawl position, I felt so sorry for the poor thing. The hard thing about this, is I think it makes her seperation anxiety for me higher as I help play with her so much, and am next to her so much. It'll all mesh out eventually. Hopefully I won't worry to much for her, boy I just hate to see her bawl out of exhaustion and frustration.

