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ER visit #3

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  • ER visit #3

    Wow, it's been an exciting week! Thursday I picked Nikolai up from daycare and his teacher said that he had gotten upset and threw up. I thought that was kind of wierd since he's not a puker. (like maybe three times since we got home from Russia- and one of them was too much apple juice from the new mom in the Moscow airport.)

    He developed a nasty sounding cough and by the time it was bathtime, we knew we had croup on our hands. It seemed to be progressing rapidly so my husband looked at me and said, "well, since we're not going to be getting any sleep anyway, do you want to go to the ER now or wait until 2am?" Since I'm all about sleep I figured if we left at 8:30, we'd be home by 2am.

    Off we went (this time to the AF ER since th AF hospital has the peds wards, just in case). He was triaged and had a chest x-ray. Then some poor man coded and all of the attention was diverted. I couldn't figure our why they were trying to resuscitate this guy for 45 minutes with 95% of the ER staff there- turns out he was the dad of one of the medics.

    Eventually they called it and everything returned to normal(ish). Our friend came in at 11pm which was cool. Things got expedited at that point and we were home by 1:30am. He ended up getting a steroid treatment and tylenol and some other oral medication. We left with four days of liquid prednisone and more tylenol.

    Needless to say, I didn't go to BootCamp at 5am on Friday. I kept him home from daycare on Friday and we're kinda hanging at home over the weekend. He actually napped at 10:30 this morning and is playing quietly in his room right now so he's still not 100%.

    Man, this parenthood stuff is not for the weak or the well-rested.


  • #2
    when i saw this post i just :thud:

    wow, hope the little guy is up and back to normal soon. hope you and rick get some rest too.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      poor guys (all of you). never fun to be sick!

      i hope he's well soon, and nothing gets passed to you guys.


      • #4
        Goodness! Hope you got some rest this weekend....
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • #5
          Ugh. Croup sucks. I can't believe you were back in the ER! I hope he is feeling better soon and you get some good rest.


          • #6
            Feel better soon, Nikolai!!

            -Wife of urology attending.
            -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


            • #7
              I so know how you feel, we haven't had 3 ER visits but been there with the croup. It is so scarey. Ai-Lan was 5 months at the time. The steroids really help. I hope your little guy feels better soon.


              • #8
                3 asthma visits in 1 week, admitted for 2 nights on the 3rd visit for IV antibiotics and steroids and nebs and then discharged, back 48 hours later for a dog-poo eating incident


                • #9
                  Oh, let's just hope that Nikolai and Matthew don't end up as college room-mates. Can you imagine the phone calls?



                  • #10
                    we won't be meeting on the first day outside college dorms we'll be meeting in the ER waiting room!


                    • #11
                      Oh no, croup is awful. How is the little guy doing?

