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Fussy newborn

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  • Fussy newborn

    Any tips for those of you that have had a fussy newborn who won't sleep? My 6 week old has become increasingly fussy over the past two weeks. When she is awake, she wants to be held upright. She'll fall asleep holding her or in the car. When you put her down she wakes up and cries. DH and I have been walking around with her in the Baby Bjorn as much as we can. But we have two other kids and stuff to get done. She will finally fall asleep at 10pm if DH is holding her and stay asleep for a few hours.

    I feel like it has become a vicious cycle with fussiness and not sleeping leading to more fussiness. I am pretty sure she is getting enough to eat. I keep telling myself it will get better and someday I will miss her being this young. However, right now, I am frazzled that I have to hold her constantly and can't get anything done.

    Thats why I haven't been able to post lately because one hand is on the mouse and the other is holding a baby.

  • #2
    No words of advice for you, just sympathy as Jack was the same way at that age. Not only did he have to be held upright, but you also couldn't just sit down with him - you had to get up and walk around or he would be MAD! I swear I practically wore a path in our carpet as I walked around all day/night long... I can't imagine having to do it while chasing after two other kids!

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #3
      We are big swaddlers here- we swaddled both of ours until almost 4 months! I also tried to make sure each feeding was a full feeding, rather than have them wake up and cry to nurse so close together. But both my girls went through a fussy, crying phase from around 4weeks til maybe 10 weeks. During that time you could find me either drinking a glass of wine or crying hysterically.
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        Our 9 month old was fussy, but it started fairly soon after he was born (I wasn't able to nurse due to my heart condition and blame formula for everything bad, deflected self guilt) and he had reflux...DH wasn't a fan of swaddling (you know ortho and hips and stuff) but I did anyway when I got desperate enough. Eventually we figured out what worked (he basically slept in his carseat for the first 3.5 months) and went with it....good luck!


        • #5
          Ours was the same way; she outgrew it at about 3 months.

          We got a Peanut Shell (a pouch-type sling) and would wear her in that so she was pretty much upright but still semi-swaddled.


          • #6
            Oh, big to you!

            I hope this resolves soon!

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              I know this is taboo, but have you tried putting her on her belly? 3 of our 5 slept on their belly despite DH being a pediatrician. I, of course, am all for back-to-sleep, but it's worth a try. DH hates when I make parenting choices that aren't AAP-approved. Co-sleeping is his biggest pet peeve. But, that's another thread.

              DD#2, DS#1 and DD#3 couldn't sleep comfortably on their backs even if swaddled. (We're big swaddlers, too!) I refused to use the swing, carseat, etc. as sleep aids. Anyway, once they were put on their belly, I thought I'd gone to heaven with the peace and quiet of a sleeping baby! I'm glad, though, DS#2 doesn't mind sleeping on his back. I was always nervouse about the tummy-sleeping.


              • #8
                Oh, I hope this gets better soon! Hang in there.


                • #9
                  I tried the tummy sleeping today. DH was home this morning and I asked him how he felt about it. I got a thumbs down on it, unless the monitor was right next to her. I had to leave with her anyway so it didn't last long.

                  I hope today was the turning point. She actually slept for 5 hours in the car seat after returning home from school pickup. I swaddled her tonight, nursed her and after awhile she fell asleep without much fuss. I think she got some much needed sleep. Whew!


                  • #10
                    Jennifer -
                    Do a search for the "cozy cocoon"! I *SWEAR* that this is the best product ever invented. . .EVER! My 2nd daughter just stopped wearing her cocoon to bed (granted it would only come up to the top of her diaper at this point!) and she is 8 months! It is so well, cozy, and they canNOT get out of it.


                    • #11
                      Daegan has reflux and when he was off his meds he was bad...but if I'm good about the mylicon and the reglan he does much better!
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • #12
                        I had one of those cheap positioner things and I would turn him on his side, swaddled and that helped a lot... good luck!

