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Suggestions for 2 kids?

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  • Suggestions for 2 kids?

    Hi -
    I thought that I would have a few minutes to post right now but I hear a faint crying in the distance now so I'll have to be quick. I am looking for tips from experienced moms on how to survive with 2 kids? My girls are 3.5 and 8 months. The baby is super at entertaining herself. The 3.5 year old - not so much. I have to almost force her to play by herself and once she gets going, she actually has a great time. Usually, however, she is sort of "waiting around" while I finish feeding the baby (or starting the dryer or what not), know what I mean? The irony is she is an intensely creative girl.
    So any tips from moms? I am a SAHM so we have lots of hours to fill Especially here in the Gulf Coast with no friends, family, or a decent grocery store

  • #2
    DS was about 3.5 when DD was born. Puzzles are good at that age. DS loved to do puzzles and play games (playing games would require you to play with them tho). I'd say pack the kids up and get out. The park or indoor play areas (like the mall.. gasp). Does your city have little museums/activity centers for kids? When DD was born DS was taking gym classes and sports classes at the local Y. That kept him busy, got him out of the house, and he had something he could be excited about besides the baby. Before our kids started school we were really good about just packing up our kids and getting out of the house. In my experience, getting out in general really seems to cure the "boredom."


    • #3
      Hmmmm. My son was better at entertaining himself, so I may not feel your pain totally. Here's what I used to do to make the days managable. I set up a morning, afternoon and "last" game time to share with my son. Twisted, I know, but I scheduled play time. He got the concept. If I told him that I would play with him for our "morning game" at X time (or when the timer goes off...) he would stop hovering and wait for that time. Then, we'd set a timer and I'd do my damnedest to give him an hour (ish) of uninterrupted attention. I'd repeat it in the afternoon (with a cup of tea for me) and before bed. After "last game" we'd get ready to go to sleep. It helped me keep my sanity. I'd try to do morning and afternoon during the nap times, but I'm sure you know how unpredictable that can be.

      It's a hard time. I think that setting up YOUR down that when your daughter watches a favorite TV show or when one naps and the other has "quiet time" can also help.

      I'll try to think up any truly brilliant solutions that I may have overlooked. Good luck.
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

