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Has anyone seen my Baby Bjorn?

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  • Has anyone seen my Baby Bjorn?

    I used the Bjorn last Monday afternoon taking the kids outside. The baby fell asleep and I thought I could be sly and put her down and maybe make dinner for my kids. I laid her down on the front piece trying to be as quiet as possible. The last thing I remember is running downstairs with the shoulder strap in hand to bring one daughter in from the backyard and my other daughter from the front yard (she ran out in her pjs and started yelling at my neighbor down the street) Of course the baby woke right up and I was left with half a baby bjorn. Dh was on call that night so of course I lost it. We think either it was left outside or it may have gotten thrown away, neither of which seem plausible. After a couple hours of searching, we are holding out for the pond water level to drop and see if it was blown out of our yard during a huge wind storm last week.

    I just keep asking myself, how do you lose half of a baby bjorn in your own home. We aren't that cluttered here. The good thing to come out of it is that our house is picked up now. I may be asking for a replacement for Christmas. That thing is my lifeline to getting anything done.

  • #2
    I'd be lost without my carrier too. *good finding vibes*
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #3
      I've heard stories too. A friend of mine lost her new watch, prayed to St. Anthony about it, and then found her watch - but it was one she'd lost several years before.

      I don't know for sure about the St. Anthony thing (remember St. Joseph did NOTHING to help sell my house -- he must of been helping all of the actual believers ). I do help you find your Bjorn Jen. I know how frustrating it is to lose something that should be in plain sight.


      • #4
        Jennifer, I hope you find it soon! Those carriers are priceless, especially when you have other kids to look after.


        • #5
          I hope it shows up soon! Could it be in your garage? Car?


          • #6
            I got goosebumps reading the St. Anthony thing. I've never heard about that one before.

            Good luck finding the Bjorn.



            • #7
              I am going to try St. Anthony.


              • #8
                I was taught in parochial school that the prayer was " Dear St. Anthony please come 'round, somethings lost and must be found." More formal & respectful than "Tony Tony" don't ya think??!!
                The "Tony Tony" thing reminded me of Sopranos.


                • #9

                  I finally used the St Anthony prayer two nights ago and DH found the baby carrier half I lost the next morning! Now I can take back the one I bought to replace it. I live in that thing!

                  It was in our coat closet on the floor. I looked in there thoroughly!


                  • #10
                    St. Anthony ALWAYS works!


                    • #11
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • #12
                        great, jennifer! im glad you found it. i have one that is in excellent condition tha i was going to offer up.

                        happy bjorn-ing.
                        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

