So I think I am going to go with a dress-up bag as the primary gift for DD3. She literally spends 70% of her day in her closet doing costume changes. Best case scenario: she loves the additions to her trunk and spends 80% of her time in character. Worst case scenario: she doesn't like it and we move out of her closet into the house and I can actually talk to my daughter during the day instead of a character.
Any suggestions on things to add? She has a Belle dress and Sleeping Beauty dress as well as the bracelets, purse, heels thing. I'm looking to broaden it a bit and was thinking of adding some bloomers, an apron, a bonnet. . .anything else? She has such a wild imagination that she only needs one item from a certain character to "be" her.
Any suggestions on things to add? She has a Belle dress and Sleeping Beauty dress as well as the bracelets, purse, heels thing. I'm looking to broaden it a bit and was thinking of adding some bloomers, an apron, a bonnet. . .anything else? She has such a wild imagination that she only needs one item from a certain character to "be" her.