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Night time visitor

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  • Night time visitor

    Does anybody else with a preschooler have this issue? Keelin has consistently been running to our room from hers in the middle of the night (or very very early in the AM). I try to take her back to bed, but by the third time she gets out of her bed and comes back in to our room, I am wide awake and so is she. The last few nights, I just let her crawl into bed and snuggle up by me. DH has been taking the couch because 1)Our bed frame is broken and too much weight will make the bed collapse--this is going to be fixed this weekend and 2) The pager.

    I am not very consistent with returning her to bed anymore because we all must get up at 6 am in our house to get to work/school; sleep is really important to say the least. I've even tried sleeping beside her on the floor in her room, but this isn't the most....comfortable. Any ideas?

  • #2
    I've experienced this and continue to experience it on a nightly basis. No suggestions though -- it's pretty much the status quo in our house. It's gotten to the point where I have a hard time sleeping if Quinn isn't curled up next to me . He's like a 40lb heating pad on my back!


    • #3
      We have this issue with our older 2 from time to time. We have a couple of body pillows, and if they are scared or want to be closer to mom and dad, they can make a "little bed" on the floor. I am not perfect, and everyso often I am too bleary-eyed to remind them, and they snuggle right up to next to me.

      Gas, and 4 kids


      • #4
        I used to do this when I was a sister too. I was always a little sad when my mom would make us go back to our own I say if it isn't that big of a deal when you get a new bed, let it go....

        of course this is all from the child's perspective...I might sing a different tune when Daegan's older....
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • #5
          My daughter (now 7) sometimes does this. Now that she is old enough to explain herself, I've found that it is because she is cold most often. She doesn't stay covered - and it's a lot warmer in our bed. Most of the time, I've assumed she was lonely or scared. Now, I know the sad truth. I'm just a human electric blanket. :>
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            I honestly don't mind it too much either once our bed frame is fixed and it can support all three of us! I know she is only going to be little for so long, and pretty soon I will REALLY miss these moments (despite the fact that she came in this morning at 5 am and never went back to sleep!!!)


            • #7
              I have a limit of around 4-5 am. For some reason, earlier than this is too early and I try to get them back to bed. Otherwise, I like the snuggles.

              But my kids don't really do this anymore. They are now sleeping together in the same bed and snuggle with each other. I have to admit, I miss it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by nmh
                I have a limit of around 4-5 am. For some reason, earlier than this is too early and I try to get them back to bed. Otherwise, I like the snuggles.
                This is us too. If it is 4-5ish I will pull him up to stay. Mostly because I feel that it is technically morning if we are going to be getting up within the next hour or so...

                My big deal is I want him to go to bed on his own, just so he is able to. I figure that if he has made it to 4:00, he's woken a time or two and's getting good practice with that too...We got a king bed for this very thing. I have to watch DH...he would have James in the bed permanently if it were up to him...but he is not the one who gets rolled on and kicked and pushed

                I've also noticed a warmth correlation
                Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


                • #9
                  I used to have the 4-5 rule, too; maybeI will try this again. She does go to bed by herself, but lately she's been coming in around 1 or 2....


                  • #10
                    We keep Nikolai in his room by keeping the baby gate up. He doesn't normally get up though, unless he's sick or has himself tangled up in his blanket. It's more to keep him contained in his room in the mornings.

                    He has never expressed an interest in coming into bed with us, I'd guess because he spent his first year in a NICU/orphanage. He shared his crib with other babies so I think he's perfectly happy having his own bed. (when we first got home he'd do a spread eagle in the crib and crack up laughing)


