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nap time

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  • nap time

    DD (15 mo) is still doing two naps (at 9 and 1) but neither one is very long. I've tried to keep her up and merge them into one long one, but she just gets so darn cranky all morning. (which makes me think she still needs both)

    So, when did your child go to one nap a day and how did you know he/she was ready?

  • #2
    Re: nap time

    He was about that age- maybe a little older. He always has taken LONG naps though. Even now at three he naps at least an hour and a half. (it's GREAT!)



    • #3
      Re: nap time

      DS was about that age when I transitioned him to one nap. It became really obvious that he didn't need the second nap anymore, because it was getting harder and harder to put him down for the second nap. It took a few days for him to really start doing the long nap thing, for a few days he did short naps but then they started to lengthen. And even now (21 mo) he still occasionally gets tired in the morning before his 'official' nap time (around noon). It sounds like she might be ready for one nap, I'd give it a try for a week or two and let her adjust. I think just trying it for a day or two here or there isn't consistent enough for her to really get used to it. Good luck!

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #4
        Re: nap time

        When my son was that age, he seemed to really need a morning nap, and not so much an afternoon nap (morning nap was about 1 1/2 hrs, afternoon about 45min-1hr). Anyway, I had made the decision to send my son to a daycare center 2days/week when he was 18months old. Unfortunately, the daycare center had only one group naptime for toddlers from 11:30/12 - 2pm. SO, that meant I needed to get him into a once-a-day pattern. Unfortunately, my babysitter was less than thrilled with this it might have taken a little longer than it would have if I had done it (I always seemed to have more luck than she did at keeping him up.....coincidence??? hmmm....). Anyway, back to your issue... I would try to keep the kiddo up for say 15 minutes longer each day. What time does she go to bed? If she's taking one nap around noontime, she may need to go to bed a little earlier than normal. I would say that around 18months or so, most kids can handle once-a-day napping. I think it's easier for me, too. That way we can run around doing errands in the morning, and then come home for lunch and nap (hopefully a long one!!)
        Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


        • #5
          Re: nap time

          She goes to bed about 7:30 pm each night and gets up for the day about 6:30.

          Part of the problem with her naps is she goes down fine, but wakes up still tired and wanting to nurse for the rest of her nap. I'd like to get her to take the whole nap in her crib....that's why I was wondering if she needed to go to just one nap so she'd be tired enough to stay asleep. I am not trying to wean her, but I really would like for her to get herself back to sleep. I never know when she wakes if she is really ready to get up, or if I should leave her a little longer (fussing) and see if she will sleep some more. At least we have night time sleep pretty much under control (for now!) Thanks for the input! :babygirl:


          • #6
            Re: nap time

            Both my kids gave up their morning nap from the 7-10 month range. That moved the afternoon nap up to around 11-1. Bedtime was 7:00 and they slept until 7. (1:30 to bedtime as a "single parent" was BRUTAL. )

            I think the true test is to put them in the car at "naptime" and see if they sleep. If they don't, they probably don't need one and you can monkey with the schedule from there.

            Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

            “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


            • #7
              Re: nap time

              the ever changing nap schedule is soooo frustrating. I can't remember details about when they did what, but I do remember that I never felt like I knew what was coming next.

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

