I know we've talked about this before, but I have a somewhat sensitive question about spanking.
The reason I'm asking is because lately Jack (2.5yo) has taken to running away from me and out into the street or parking lot. It always happens when we're getting ready to leave someplace. (Of course that's also when I happen to be paying the least amount of attention to him as I'm trying to round up his snack cup and sippy cup and the diaper bag ... oh, and the baby.
) He did it yesterday when we were leaving the park, he did it the day before when we were leaving playgroup at a friend's house, and several more times before that. I've tried explaining to him that he can't do that because it's dangerous and he has to wait for mommy, but obviously he's not getting the message because he continues to do it. Even when I'm screaming his name (and I mean, literally SCREAMING), he doesn't even acknowledge me and keeps right on going.
I was telling DH about it tonight and he thinks I just need to spank him. He thinks that all I need to do is just spank him once or twice, and that will really scare him enough to not want to run away like that again. Now, we've never spanked Jack before and I just ... feel uncomfortable about doing it. I understand the school of thought that it (spanking) just teaches violence and models the hitting behavior. BUT, I can totally understand the idea that dangerous situations like this might warrant a bigger action.
What do you think? Do you use spanking (or some other physical punishment) as a disciplinary tool?
The reason I'm asking is because lately Jack (2.5yo) has taken to running away from me and out into the street or parking lot. It always happens when we're getting ready to leave someplace. (Of course that's also when I happen to be paying the least amount of attention to him as I'm trying to round up his snack cup and sippy cup and the diaper bag ... oh, and the baby.

I was telling DH about it tonight and he thinks I just need to spank him. He thinks that all I need to do is just spank him once or twice, and that will really scare him enough to not want to run away like that again. Now, we've never spanked Jack before and I just ... feel uncomfortable about doing it. I understand the school of thought that it (spanking) just teaches violence and models the hitting behavior. BUT, I can totally understand the idea that dangerous situations like this might warrant a bigger action.
What do you think? Do you use spanking (or some other physical punishment) as a disciplinary tool?