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Toys for 12-24 month old

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  • Toys for 12-24 month old

    Ok gang, Christmas is coming and my daughter is probably going to be one of the most spoiled kids between her grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.

    So I need a BIG list of ideas so that she doesn't get annoying crap! Because her birthday is 2 days after Christmas our plan is to take 1/2 of her toys and put them away and give them to her throughout the year. So I'm looking for gifts that are good for anywhere from 12-24 months.

    The one that I'm definitely asking for is the Fisher Price Little People, probably the bus and the plane and maybe one of the doll houses/castles.

    What else?
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

    Daegan really started to get into puzzles at that age. And looking at board books....but not the ones that have flaps/wheels/things you can do....while he liked those books he VERY quickly destroyed them. He also wasn't into being read to (maybe Adele will like that though) so he wanted to play with the books himself. My mom got him a subscription to Wild Animal's a little book/magazine put out by the Wildlife Fund or something....kinda along the lines of Highlights/My Big Backyard....It's a good size for his little hands, plus it has animal pictures in it which he likes...and it's meant to be disposable so when he rips the pages off I don't care as much. He gets a new one each month which is cool. He also discovered Thomas (the Tank Engine) and cars/trucks during that time. We got the "big" lego type blocks and a bunch of art supplies (crayons, foam stickers, paint brushes and the books that have the paint already in the page so you just paint with water, sidewalk chalk). And because the neighborhood kids ride bikes and scooters, we got him a tricycle and scooter (and a helmet) though he's really just now getting decent at them (2yo).

    Fiddlegirl's daughter started "mothering" a little baby doll in that time frame, and LOVES to be read to....she also started playing dress up then too.
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #3
      Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

      You are going to be so overwhelmed with toys that I'd try to steer the grandparents towards the practical stuff like beach towels, a potty chair, a booster seat, sippy cups, character plates, child silverware, life jackets, jammies, etcetera. I finally gave up the fight and made peace with the fact that the grandparents are going to buy way too much stuff for the kids. Now I just try to channel it towards things that we were going to have to buy anyway. :huh:

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

        I just took a tour around the house. Here are a few things Tyler enjoyed most over the past year. She just turned two years old.

        Its the perfect size for that age.

        She also enjoyed duplos, board books, and a shape sorter.


        • #5
          Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

          Most of the kids at playgroup, boys and girls alike, were way into play kitchens by about 18 months. Blocks (just plain ol' wooden stacking blocks for open-ended play) are always a good investment. He's getting excited about choo-choos lately, as are at least a few of his girl friends. Books have always been a hit. Pull toys were a fun one for his one-year birthday, and blocks.


          • #6
            Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

            Thanks guys theses are all a huge help!
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7
              Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

              Both the kids had [and have] subscriptions to the Wild Animal Baby. A still enjoys hers. We really like i play. For her first bday/Xmas [her bday is the 20th] A got the Fairyland Playhouse with the Fairyland Friends, and the Liftoff Rocket and Space Base. They say 18 months but she was fine with them. She also got a Corolle doll and a Baby Stella that she loves. I second the stroller. She got the pottery barn one. She also got a ton of puzzles. I recommend infantino puzzles. A tea set and play food. Clothes and lots of books. Little people are fun too. I would also try to steer them towards things like towels and booster seats. Maybe even new car seat. The toys pile up so fast.

              ETA: Duplo legos were a big hit too.


              • #8
                Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

                I swore I would never have those big annoying plastic toys in my house, yet I caved and got ds the Laugh and Learn home for his birthday. He loves it and plays with it daily. For xmas, I'm asking family members if they wouldn't mind paying for some classes like music or gymboree which I can't afford this year.


                • #9
                  Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

                  I'm embarrassed to say that we have most of what has already been mentioned (and most are big hits). We have a big family, so I'm always trying to steer them toward things that can be added onto. Very popular in our house (and all started at the first birthday or Christmas)

                  Geo Trax (there is a new part with an airplane track - this is fun for the kids and parents). Most kids who have come to play can do this, with some help, by the time they are about a year (DS is 10 months and has started playing with it, once the track is set up)

                  Bitty Baby - there are tons of accessories (cradles, etc for now) and clothes for when she gets old enough

                  a foldable slide (I think ours is Little Tykes - it was about $60) - ask for the large size. My kids play with it both inside and outside, and it is always a huge hit at playgroup


                  Collapsible tent (DS thinks this is hilarious - it's that whole lack of object permanence thing he has going on)

                  A crash cart - I'm not kidding. We are the only family I know who has one, but it's so cool. My kid can resuscitate your kid (it's never too early for them to learn, right?) - Seriously, it's like a doctor kit on steroids and is really very cool. This is another one that DS is already playing with.

                  When all else fails, you can never have too many books, right?
                  Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                  • #10
                    Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

                    Things DS played with at 1 yr that he still enjoys playing with at 3 yrs......

                    - musical instruments (egg shakers, sand blocks, tambourine, drums.....)

                    - leapfrog fridge farm

                    - melissa & doug puzzles

                    - sand/water table...for inside play, you can fill it with oats, dried peas....

                    - lawnmower

                    - small plastic wagon....he likes to pull it around the yard, picking up interesting finds as he goes along.

                    - play kitchen

                    - books


                    • #11
                      Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

                      Things DD has loved (and still does at 27 months)

                      - play kitchen
                      - sand box/table
                      - her baby dolls (one is a Little Mommy doll and it is so sweet), doll stroller and bed
                      - wooden puzzles
                      - books, books, books! she especially loved lift the flap books around 1 yr (like Karen Katz)
                      - plastic tea set...she uses them for dishes for her kitchen as well as serving afternoon tea
                      - my old purses
                      - crayons and playdough (monitored usage)
                      - watering can...she adores helping her daddy water all the plants in the yard!
                      - little broom, vacuum


                      • #12
                        Re: Toys for 12-24 month old

                        Love memberships -- zoo, arboretum, science museum. Kenny's fav toys lately are the remote control, DH's cell phone, my cell phone, his socks, his shoes, electric toothbrushes, and my car keys.

                        Ride on toys are fun for this age too.
                        Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy

