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  • OUCH!!!

    It appears that DS#2 is a biter while nursing. Yeeouch!!! DS#1 wasn't really a biter, so I've never had to deal with this.

    My problem right now is that he bit me SO HARD while nursing earlier this week, it was so painful I actually had to check a few times to make sure I wasn't bleeding. Anyway, it's still really, really painful and hurts A LOT when he nurses on that side. I looked at the area and I don't see any obvious signs of infection (it's not swollen, discolored, etc.).

    I guess I'm just surprised that it's still so tender and painful. Is that normal? It's been about 45 minutes since I finished nursing him and it's still sort of throbbing and painful. I was thinking about trying to "turn" him when he nurses on that side so his teeth aren't near the tender spot (like doing a football hold or something) to give it a chance to heal.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

  • #2
    Re: OUCH!!!

    Ouch! I've got no advice. DS was never really a biter when nursing and we weaned when he was about 11 months because his teeth rubbed. I would think a different position might help let that spot heal a bit though.


    • #3
      Re: OUCH!!!

      I completely feel your pain.

      DD is a biter. She doesn't have teeth yet (she's only 2-1/2 weeks old!) but she bites and sucks so hard that both my nipples are raw and have broken capillaries. They are spotted with little red blood blisters.

      And I thought I hated breastfeeding with DS!! He never brought tears to my eyes. With DD, I wince just thinking about her latching.

      Needless to say, it has gotten so bad that I let her nurse only a couple of times a day. Otherwise, I pump and supplement. Why should TWO of us be crying?


      • #4
        Re: OUCH!!!

        Quinn was a biter, and no amount of "NO" (which is supposed to surprise / shock them out of it) stopped him. The little stinker just smiled and did it again. I have no specific tips - although I will say I found great relief last week from "soothies" which are gel sticky-things that you can pop in the freezer and then stick to your nipples after you nurse. I have no idea where to buy them - my friend sent them to me. If you're interested, let me know and I'll find out.

        Good luck!


        • #5
          Re: OUCH!!!

          Those soothies are the BEST. That might help it heal. Do you have a pump? Does that feel better? Maybe that would give you a break for a few feedings and help it heal. I know this is a different timeframe but I had really sore nipples from not getting a good latch with DD1. The soothies helped healing. Here is a link, you should be able to find them at a drugstore:

          GMW, just my two cents, but I don't think it should be hurting that bad. I was on the verge of tears or crying with DD1 and had no idea that a slight change in position would make things so much easier. She was eating so I figured we were doing things right and that people downplayed the pain and misery with breastfeeding. I'm so glad I went to a lactation consultant and got some help otherwise I would have been just miserable and probably ended up with an infection.


          • #6
            Re: OUCH!!!

            Thanks, I'm going to look for those soothies! I turned his nursing position this morning and it didn't hurt quite as badly, but I did notice that there's now a small bump there (swollen? infected? ). Unfortunately I don't have a pump (thought I wouldn't need one since I'm home full-time and he drinks formula just fine when I have to go out), but I may need one now. Gah.

            Originally posted by cupcake
            GMW, just my two cents, but I don't think it should be hurting that bad.
            ITA. Both of my kids latch well and I've had virtually no pain (until now ) when they nurse. You might want to try switching positions or talking to a lactation consultant if it continues.

            -Wife of urology attending.
            -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


            • #7
              Re: OUCH!!!

              I nursed my daughter for 3 months, and it hurt every time. I tried to reposisition her, but I couldn't. I had to quit nursing her because of recurrent mastitis that landed me in the hospital with IV antibiotics.

              I hope a lactation consultant can help, Abigail. I think all babies are different though.

              I had such horrible experiences with beast feeding both kids that I am amazed anyone can do it, let alone for over a year or two. It's hard as shit (painful, emotional, tiring, frustrating, unnatural), IMO, and kudos to any mom who can do it!
              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


              • #8
                Re: OUCH!!!

                If you can feel those teeth scraping even when he's not actively biting, something's amiss with his latch. I think that any wound or irritation from the bite could develop into inflammation, a plugged duct, or mastitis. As uncomfortable as it is, the best remedy is usually to nurse more on that side. Only if it's way too excruciating to nurse should you resort to the pump, since the pump isn't nearly as effective as the baby at extracting every bit of milk.

                To check his latch, you might want to see someone in person, or else search for Jack Newman on Youtube (there's tons of good latching videos on there!)

                For more biting tips (it wasn't a problem with Eddy, knock on wood,) here's a couple of links:



                • #9
                  Re: OUCH!!!

                  I always knew his latch wasn't great, but it wasn't painful until he had both upper and lower teeth, so I didn't make a big deal of it. Hopfully it will be smoother this time around.


                  • #10
                    Re: OUCH!!!

                    DD had problems with her latch, and it made me so sore I thought of quitting. I talked to a lactation consultant from the hospital, and she was able to help me over the phone. I know every situation is different, but a LC just might be able to help.

                    (In DD's case, she had been suctioned at birth and had developed a healthy gag reflex that made her chomp down on the nipple instead of allowing it further back into her mouth. I had to gently massage her tongue, working my finger back into her mouth, before allowing her to nurse each time. It helped so much, and I only had to do it for about a week.)

                    Later, when DS got his first teeth, he did a little biting. I remember that I tapped his cheek with my finger once or twice when he did that. Initially I think it helped him get the message, but after 2-3 times I was worried it would discourage his nursing (he was small) so I think I just tried the sharp "NO" or repositioning. The biting didn't last long, thankfully.

