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yet another cloth diaper question

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  • yet another cloth diaper question

    Since we are at 5 weeks and counting I am ramping up my efforts to finalize my stash. I am planning on using disposibles until the meconium is passed - I am not brave enough for that!

    I have about

    18 inserts/doublers, some of which will be size appropriate for a newborn and some will be better later.
    10 DSQ prefolds that will definately be too big for a newborn - I anticipate getting about a dozen more once she arrives.

    I have about 6-10 NB/small wraps. I am trying to figure out how many more I will need in this size.

    I have a wider variety of items in the medium size range, but am trying to concentrate on the smallest sizes for now.

    What would you pros suggest?

  • #2
    Re: yet another cloth diaper question

    Expect to go through 12-20 diapers per day, and 4-6 (or more) covers depending on how well your diapers keep poop in.

    FWIW I found meconium to wash out more easily and stain less than regular breastfed poop.


    • #3
      Re: yet another cloth diaper question

      I must not change Kai enough! I don't go through that many....the prefolds I have fit him from birth (ok a week later since I used disposables when I was recovering from my section)...they are ~11x13 inches....I just fold one side down about an inch or two before I put it on him so that it stays under his cord (which hasn't fallen off yet). I'm fastening with a snappi and using a Thirsties small cover and it's working really well. No blowouts yet (he is only about 3 weeks old though) so the 3 covers I have are working great. He's fitting into a BumGenius too...I use those mostly at night and when we go out b/c they are easier for me to deal with quickly.

      Oh and Kai passed his meconium in about 3 days. I didn't deal with it with Daegan so I had no idea what to expect.
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4
        Re: yet another cloth diaper question

        In my experience, I went through the NB (6-10) covers FAST. Like, with DD #1, they fit her for 3 weeks (8 lbs 11 oz at birth), and DD #2, they never fit her at all!! (9 lbs 3 oz at birth). I'd go for some size small (9-14lbs) wraps. You may need them sooner than you think if you get a fast growing baby . DD #2 was already in size mediums (13-25lbs) by 2 months. It's insane.


        • #5
          Re: yet another cloth diaper question

          I have a bunch of stuff in the Medium sizes too including some AIO.

          I was able to score another half dozen small covers on ebay the other night for only 20 bucks. I can't wait until they arrive. There is a variety of brands so I will be able to see which I like best.

          My next questions is fitted diapers or prefolds? I was looking at the newborn (orange edge) prefolds but can't help wondering if they are worth the money, or if I should just get the smalls (yellow edge) :huh:

          I found a deal on these on ebay (can't link to there from work) and thought they looked like they would be easier and I would get less resistance from DH. The pricing came out to be about the same or a little less than the prefolds on GreenMountain Diapers. I have a bunch of doublers to use as she gets older and the output volume increase.

          prefolds vs fitteds
          if prefolds, newborn vs small.

          FWIW - I have a feeling this little one will be small. DS was not even 6 lbs when he was born at 38 wks (I never measured larger than 34 cm). This time around, I am consistantly measuring 1-2 cm smaller than the week... We definately will not be having a 10 pounder here.


          • #6
            Re: yet another cloth diaper question

            Originally posted by Michele
            I must not change Kai enough! I don't go through that many.....
            Phew, not just me then!!

            We went through about 12 during the newborn phase, and about 8 or so a day once we were past that and he started pooping less!

            Prefolds vs fitteds? Hmmm, I would say prefolds for the newborn phase since you will need so many and they are cheaper, AND you can customize the fit. We had some fitteds but they didn't fit well around his skinny newborn legs.

            Newborn vs small? If you think your babe will be small, get the newborns. You can use them as doublers later on. We used disposables for about the first 2 weeks while I got my head straight, then went to infant sized prefolds, but my boy was already about 10 pounds by that stage!

            That is my 2 cents.


            • #7
              Re: yet another cloth diaper question

              Totally depends on the kiddo, of course. Eddy fussed every time he wet, especially in prefolds, so we were changing him every 30-90 minutes I'd say, and we were around the 12 per day mark. But I've heard of fussier babies and more frequent wetters who did get close to the 20 mark, so 10-22 total diapers sounds like a recipe for daily laundry to me. YMMV!


              • #8
                Re: yet another cloth diaper question

                I'm anticipating a load a day anyways - the only place to put the changing area is just off the living room and I KNOW I won't want any smells lingering!


                • #9
                  Re: yet another cloth diaper question

                  Has anyone used the chinese prefolds from Cotton Baby? Their's are much cheaper than Green Mountain Diaper... :huh:


                  • #10
                    Re: yet another cloth diaper question

                    Yep, that's where most of my stash is from (a couple dozen infant CPFs and a dozen premium CPFs.) They're totally adequate, very sturdy but maybe not as soft and of course you don't get the useful proprietary GMD sizes.

                    If you want to shop bargains, also check out (unless you were going to be placing a Cotton Babies order anyway.) Or browse the FSOT at, where you can get the dipes already broken in and "prepped".

