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New Circumcision Recommendations

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  • New Circumcision Recommendations

    So this was on the Today show this morning and I thought it was interesting. We've decided to have Baby M II circumcised either way but thought it was interesting.

    Officials Weigh Circumcision to Fight H.I.V. Risk

    Public health officials are considering promoting routine circumcision for all baby boys born in the United States to reduce the spread of H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS.

    The topic is a delicate one that has already generated controversy, even though a formal draft of the proposed recommendations, due out from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by the end of the year, has yet to be released.

    Experts are also considering whether the surgery should be offered to adult heterosexual men whose sexual practices put them at high risk of infection. But they acknowledge that a circumcision drive in the United States would be unlikely to have a drastic impact: the procedure does not seem to protect those at greatest risk here, men who have sex with men.

    Recently, studies showed that in African countries hit hard by AIDS, men who were circumcised reduced their infection risk by half. But the clinical trials in Africa focused on heterosexual men who are at risk of getting H.I.V. from infected female partners.

    For now, the focus of public health officials in this country appears to be on making recommendations for newborns, a prevention strategy that would only pay off many years from now. Critics say it subjects baby boys to medically unnecessary surgery without their consent.

    But Dr. Peter Kilmarx, chief of epidemiology for the division of H.I.V./AIDS prevention at the C.D.C., said that any step that could thwart the spread of H.I.V. must be given serious consideration.

    “We have a significant H.I.V. epidemic in this country, and we really need to look carefully at any potential intervention that could be another tool in the toolbox we use to address the epidemic,” Dr. Kilmarx said. “What we’ve heard from our consultants is that there would be a benefit for infants from infant circumcision, and that the benefits outweigh the risks.”

    He and other experts acknowledged that although the clinical trials of circumcision in Africa had dramatic results, the effects of circumcision in the United States were likely to be more muted because the disease is less prevalent here, because it spreads through different routes and because the health systems are so disparate as to be incomparable.

    Clinical trials in Kenya, South Africa and Uganda found that heterosexual men who were circumcised were up to 60 percent less likely to become infected with H.I.V. over the course of the trials than those who were not circumcised.

    There is little to no evidence that circumcision protects men who have sex with men from infection.

    Another reason circumcision would have less of an impact in the United States is that some 79 percent of adult American men are already circumcised, public health officials say.

    But newborn circumcision rates have dropped in recent decades, to about 65 percent of newborns in 1999 from a high of about 80 percent after World War II, according to C.D.C. figures. And blacks and Hispanics, who have been affected disproportionately by AIDS, are less likely than whites to circumcise their baby boys, according to the agency.

    Circumcision rates have fallen in part because the American Academy of Pediatrics, which sets the guidelines for infant care, does not endorse routine circumcision. Its policy says that circumcision is “not essential to the child’s current well-being,” and as a result, many state Medicaid programs do not cover the operation.

    The academy is revising its guidelines, however, and is likely to do away with the neutral tone in favor of a more encouraging policy stating that circumcision has health benefits even beyond H.I.V. prevention, like reducing urinary tract infections for baby boys, said Dr. Michael Brady, a consultant to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    He said the academy would probably stop short of recommending routine surgery, however. “We do have evidence to suggest there are health benefits, and families should be given an opportunity to know what they are,” he said. But, he said, the value of circumcision for H.I.V. protection in the United States is difficult to assess, adding, “Our biggest struggle is trying to figure out how to understand the true value for Americans.”

    Circumcision will be discussed this week at the C.D.C.’s National H.I.V. Prevention Conference in Atlanta, which will be attended by thousands of health professionals and H.I.V. service providers.

    Among the speakers is a physician from Operation Abraham, an organization based in Israel and named after the biblical figure who was circumcised at an advanced age, according to the book of Genesis. The group trains doctors in Africa to perform circumcisions on adult men to reduce the spread of H.I.V.

    Members of Intact America, a group that opposes newborn circumcision, have rented mobile billboards that will drive around Atlanta carrying their message that “circumcising babies doesn’t prevent H.I.V.,” said Georganne Chapin, who leads the organization.

    Although the group’s members oppose circumcision on broad philosophical and medical grounds, Ms. Chapin argued that the studies in Africa found only that circumcision reduces H.I.V. infection risk, not that it prevents infection. “Men still need to use condoms,” Ms. Chapin said.

    In fact, while the clinical trials in Africa found that circumcision reduced the risk of a man’s acquiring H.I.V., it was not clear whether it would reduce the risk to women from an infected man, several experts said.

    “There’s mixed data on that,” Dr. Kilmarx said. But, he said, “If we have a partially successful intervention for men, it will ultimately lower the prevalence of H.I.V. in the population, and ultimately lower the risk to women.”

    Circumcision is believed to protect men from infection with H.I.V. because the mucosal tissue of the foreskin is more susceptible to H.I.V. and can be an entry portal for the virus. Observational studies have found that uncircumcised men have higher rates of other sexually transmitted diseases like herpes and syphilis, and a recent study in Baltimore found that heterosexual men were less likely to have become infected with H.I.V. from infected partners if they were circumcised.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    The circumcision argument has been around for ages and the guidelines and recommendations tend to blow with the breeze.

    From where I'm sitting (with 3 uncircumcised boys, so that is my bias) I believe that the benefits of circumcisions have been exaggerated. The studies used to get these recommendations are from African hot spot regions where HIV transmission occurs mostly with heterosexual sex and women use methods to dry out their vagina's before sex. No, really. I would argue that HIV is a much larger problem in the areas being studied, that sexual practices there are different, and that transmission is not just by sexual intercourse. Also, circumcision does not guarantee no HIV.

    Men who are circumcised and are HIV positive, btw, still pass on HIV to their female partners at the same rate despite the circumcision. A statistically significant difference in HIV acquisition has been found, however, in cases where the FEMALES are circumcised. Hmmm. Anyone want to tackle that one?

    Beyond that, a penis is easy to clean (thus hygiene isn't an issue) and the risk of penile cancer is so small that any supposed increased risk that may or may not be there doesn't really seem worth it. It seems to me that teaching safe sex is much less invasive. Also, some statistics show the risk of complications from circumcision to be 2-10%. Phimosis can be easily treated with a short course of steroid cream and...the only UTI I have ever experienced with any boys of my own or my friends was in a circumcised boy who had kidney reflux disease.

    I think that the reasons to circumcise in the US are largely cultural.

    Just my .02.

    Last edited by PrincessFiona; 08-24-2009, 12:56 PM.
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      I saw this too. I wonder if this recommendation will affect whether insurance companies cover the cost of circumcision. Ds is circumcized (sp?) and our insurance paid for it. My understanding is that many insurance companies are trending towards not covering the cost. Interesting.
      Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


      • #4
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          Originally posted by JaneDoe View Post
          t. My understanding is that many insurance companies are trending towards not covering the cost.
          I have heard this too.


          • #6
            Well, you all probably know where we fall on this. (Didn't think it was cool to have the willy whacked immediately upon entry to the US)

            Both of my nephews are and dude isn't which has led to some pretty funny bathtub conversations between dude and my nephew Jack.



            • #7
              Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
              Well, you all probably know where we fall on this. (Didn't think it was cool to have the willy whacked immediately upon entry to the US)

              Both of my nephews are and dude isn't which has led to some pretty funny bathtub conversations between dude and my nephew Jack.

              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                Originally posted by PrincessFiona View Post
                I think that the reasons to circumcise in the US are largely cultural.
                With this in mind, don't you guys think not having kids circumcised might make them less likely to contract HIV in the U.S., given the likely existence of an "Eww, what is THAT thing?"-effect?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by McPants View Post
                  With this in mind, don't you guys think not having kids circumcised might make them less likely to contract HIV in the U.S., given the likely existence of an "Eww, what is THAT thing?"-effect?
                  Except with a 65% circ rate, this generation would see both ways as pretty typical.
                  Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                  Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                  “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                  Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by PrincessFiona View Post
                    and women use methods to dry out their vagina's before sex.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by PrincessFiona View Post
                      and women use methods to dry out their vagina's before sex. No, really.
                      Ohhhh - there is this morbid side of me that wants to ask why???
                      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                      With fingernails that shine like justice
                      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                      • #12
                        FTR, my mom decided not to circ my brother, and he's fine with it (22 yrs. old).
                        However, in junior high sex ed class, he was "worried" because all the diagrams in books and on DVD didn't "look like him."

                        I should've teased him about the necessity of fitting in, but considering it was junior high hell, I decided against it :P
                        Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                        Professional Relocation Specialist &
                        "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BonBon View Post
                          Ditto those emoticons... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That just sounds...awful.

                          FWIW: DS was circumcized. There was no big discussion. DH is and we both wanted that. The mistake was allowing a resident to do the procedure. It was really half-as$ed. I specifically modified the document to prevent a NP, med student, or other non-MD from doing the procedure. But it was done at a teaching hospital...and apparently, there was a lot more to teach in terms of technique.

                          If there is a DS#2 someday, we're wondering if goyim can rent-a-moyel? At least he'd know what he was doing!!


                          • #14
                            I know of several pediatricians who are also mohels. I think that would be a good way to go.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cupcake View Post
                              I know of several pediatricians who are also mohels. I think that would be a good way to go.
                              You know what...our pediatrician is a practicing conservative Jew. I bet, if he doesn't do circumcisions himself, he might know a pediatrician who has these "double credentials." Good thinking, Nellie!

