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Cloth diapers follow-up

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  • Cloth diapers follow-up

    I really wanted to start the baby off in cloth, but with all that was going on around here with my recovery, bf-ing problems, and so on and so forth, we decided to simply slap on a disposable diaper and be done with it. Now, I have about 4 of these diaper covers:

    And I've got 24 of these:

    The cloth is basically your run of the mill cloth diaper that you fold and then stick into those useless diaper covers (the first link). The diaper covers are stiff. The poor girl can't move her legs, and you can barely fit her clothes on over the diaper...

    So that it's not an entire waste, I'd like to use the cloth diapers that I bought for these Bambino Mio covers and fold them into different ones. M is 9 pounds 10 oz.

    Do you have any ideas? A softer cover that will allow my daughter to actually bend at the hip would be nice!

    married to an anesthesia attending

  • #2
    Allison - I use prorap covers which can be a bit stiff.

    My sister uses Mommy's Touch One Size covers and loves them. They are soft on both sides with no plastic touching baby.


    • #3
      Are you set on using those or can you just call it a wash and get different diapers?

      My sister started out with those but found that they weren't absorbant enough and my nephew would wake up in the middle of the night because he felt wet - whereas disposables or bum genius pull the moisture away from the skin better than the typical cloth diapers.

      Most people I know didn't use cloth diapers the first month anyways because the baby is too small and they don't fit quite right.
      Loving wife of neurosurgeon


      • #4
        Stiff diapers sound awful! We have used Thirsties and Motherease covers. Thirsties are best I think. They are thin and fit well around the legs.

        Bumgenius really are worth the investment when she gets bigger.

        Cloth will always be bulkier than 'sposies, but it is worse on a newborn. You'll get used to what clothes will work. Size up in onesies. Pants can be hard. I finally found some jeans for DS that he can move in!


        • #5
          I will second that cloth will always be bulkier - A is skinny so her pants need the help anyway but I do have a friend who has to buy pants a size larger because of the bulk.

          I'm no help with the diapers and covers we're BumGenius 3.0 all the way. A has been wearing them since her cord fell of and #2 will wear the same ones. It was an investment but has been worth every penny.

          Good luck finding what works for you. If you're willing to look around some sites offer a sample pack where they give you like 6 different diapers and you can try them out before you settle on one.

          Like this:

          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #6
            Thank you!

            The poor kiddo is suffering from a diaper rash from hell right now. We are taking a trip to sf this weekend, so I thought I'd do a little research before we go. I'll have a look at some of the baby stores there, to see if they have any of the brands you mention.

            I'll take a picture of M in her big as* diapers. These are obscenely large--I can barely fit her into a bjoern, since her hips aren't flexible at all!

            I'm willing to just keep the diapers as burpies and move on if need be, yes...
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Alison - is the rash just an ugly red all over, or does it have little bumps in it that look like pimples?

              The bumpy one is a yeast rash and needs to be treated with anti-fungals. I didn't realize that this is what Caleb had for the longest time.


              • #8
                We use the fleece liners to help keep baby dry I have also really loved with the Nikki covers (these will last through multiple children). These are soft diapers and 100% cotton. Pricey but well worth it. Another option for something more trim are the Baby Soft Wraps . We bought 3 when Evangeline was born and have been using the size medium from about 6 wks till now she is just growing out of them.

                Good luck with the diaper rash. I agree about making sure its not a yeast infection. The anti fungal creams will make a huge difference. Other wise lots of baths and no diaper (even a little time in the sun on baby's bear bottom) has always helped a lot for us.
                Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                • #9
                  We've used Imse Vimse wraps with prefolds for all 5 kids. Occasional diaper rash, depending on the kid, and it goes away with triple paste and some A&D.
                  I bought enough prefolds so we only wash twice a week - even with 3 currently in diapers (though one is almost out...please...please....)
                  I hope the rash subsides - it's heartbreaking when you have to clean them and they scream.
                  Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                  Let's go Mets!


                  • #10
                    It's ugly red, no bumps. She screams her head off when I change her, but hasn't been doing those curl-your-toenail, yank-your-heart-out-and-stomp crying this morning. It seems to be clearing up!

                    So, are you guys buying your diapers on these sites that you're posting links to, or are you buying them in actual stores?
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #11
                      In Phoenix we had Wildflower Diapers but brick and mortar cloth diapering stores are few and far between. There are certainly none on the island, LOL! Green Mountain gets most of my (mail-order) business these days, but Wildflower is an awesome business and if I need something GMD doesn't have, they'd be my next choice.


                      • #12
                        I bought most of my wraps from, which is gone, I think. I bought my diapers from a diaper service, which is also gone from my neighbourhood. At this point when I need new wraps I search google for low prices.
                        I've never been to a CD store - it must be a hoot. I think there's one about an hour from me.
                        Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                        Let's go Mets!


                        • #13
                          I have to buy mine online because we don't have actual stores that sale them around here. I usually get mine from
                          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                          • #14
                            This is somewhat of a hijack but my friend buys hers from a family that has their own little business. It is really nice because people can see and feel the diapers before purchasing, they can also "register" for diapers too! And I imagine it is a nice small side income for the family.... I wish I could remember the name of the website!
                            Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by alison View Post
                              It's ugly red, no bumps. She screams her head off when I change her, but hasn't been doing those curl-your-toenail, yank-your-heart-out-and-stomp crying this morning. It seems to be clearing up!

                              So, are you guys buying your diapers on these sites that you're posting links to, or are you buying them in actual stores?
                              I've purchased from a couple of different sites - cotton babies and Green Mtn Diapers.

                              When my kiddos have rashes, I always use just plain water on the wipes to cut down on the crying. The solution in store bought wipes can be really hard on their skin. Sophie is so sensitive that I had to go to cloth wipes.

