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  • #61
    "I really over-did it at the grocery store yesterday and my c-section incision has been very sore since last night. It is easy to forget that I had abdominal surgery 3 weeks ago when there is a baby and a house to take care of and a snow storm threatening."

    MrsK - It's hard to be a first time mom, doubly so after a c-section. My first OB gave me great advice, and I'm passing it on to you. No housework until your 6-week check. I'm not kidding - no laundry, no vacuuming, no scrubbing. I followed that advice after my first two c-sections, but not after my third (it was much harder with a family of 5 to just let things go). Every time I had a recovery setback after the third, I realized that it was a day after I had done something I shouldn't have. It's unbelievable the crazy things you use your abs for without realizing it. Your job right now is to take care of you and baby. That is it. You have enough on your plate just doing those things. And, things do get easier. Once you get more sleep, you will feel like a different person!
    Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


    • #62
      Thanks, Deb. I appreciate that. I really hadn't realized how rough the trip to the grocery would be. A neighbor offered to go but she is an older woman and not well enough to handle our weekly stock up. (DrK eats like he is still playing Rugby; The fridge is ALWAYS empty.) I was concerned because a snow storm has been threatening and the temperatures are dropping. I didn't want to have to take the baby out once the weather got bad.

      In other news, we went to the peditrician today. He confirmed all my concerns about SIDS. Ack! But at least I know that I'm not paranoid and now I know what to do. BabyK is up to 6 lb 5 oz now. That's awesome since last week he was 5 lb 9 oz and still below his birth weight. The ped was very pleased. BabyK is still in the 3rd percentile for size -- shocking because (1) DrK is a huge guy, and (2) before the last weeks of the pregnancy BabyK was measuring average to large in the womb. But also not shocking because BabyK was nearly 3 weeks early and the OB had estimated that his birth weight would have been around 6.5 if he came on time. Basically, if he'd been born on 1/1/10, his weight today would be the same as it is now. So, I'm feeling smug and pleased that all the constant nursing and lack of sleep have somehow paid off.
      Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


      • #63
        Originally posted by MrsK View Post
        Basically, if he'd been born on 1/1/10, his weight today would be the same as it is now. So, I'm feeling smug and pleased that all the constant nursing and lack of sleep have somehow paid off.
        Absolutely! You're doing great, and BabyK seems to be doing what he needs to do. Hopefully it will get a little easier soon.
        My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


        • #64
          The sleeping issue will get better and better with time. By the time he is a month old he will probably be sleeping in longer stretches. I remember the first few weeks being very stressful and hard. Co-sleeping did help us a lot, but that is an individual choice and there is no right or wrong answer to it. Some studies show they are safer co-sleeping and some show they are safer in the crib, so it all boils down to what you decide is best. We would always start our daughter out in the crib and then let her come to bed with us after she woke up. It was akward at first, but we got used to it.

          They also told us to wake her up every 2-3 hours but she would never cooperate. We would strip her down, hold her up, and put a wet wash cloth on her head and she still slept through it. I did try as best I could to feed her right before I was ready to put her in her crib, it didn't always work though.

          At 20 months my daughter is still in the 3rd percentile for weight and 90th for length, and she is very healthy. Linear growth is most important. I wouldn't worry about it unless you notice he is not eating enough. Some babies are just natually smaller.
          Everything will get easier though, even though it probably doesn't seem that way.
          Last edited by jetgal; 01-09-2010, 06:38 PM. Reason: Left words out


          • #65
            They also told us to wake her up every 2-3 hours but she would never cooperate. We would strip her down, hold her up, and put a wet wash cloth on her head and she still slept through it.
            Thanks. This cracked me up. BabyK slept through a bath the other day and he hates baths.

            He went to bed without a fight last night. Of course, he had to sleep in our room, swaddled, with a pacifier, and with the lights on. He woke several times through the night but went back to sleep easily after being changed and fed. It was great. (Though we were all up at 4AM by sheer habit.) We are hoping that it will work again tonight but so far, he's not cooperating. I think it's the nightly 3-4 hour fight to get him to bed that is the hardest. By the time he's asleep, we are all worn out.

            DrK is on call tomorrow so I have to manage the evening on my own tomorrow. Wish me luck!
            Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.

