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Naps question

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  • Naps question

    Dd is turning 5 months old on Feb 1. She takes around 4 naps/day, and they are all very long ones.

    She's up for good in the morning at 7:00, and usually wants to go back to bed within 45 minutes. This morning she is STILL taking her first nap, and she's been in there for 2 1/2 hours. Her other naps are usually 1-1.5 hours in length.

    Is this abnormal? She's usually only up for an hour and a half before she starts rubbing her eyes and wanting to nap.

    Should I count my lucky stars or bring this up with our pediatrician? Bil has just said that dd appears to like her sleep, but doesn't seem to be terribly concerned (or maybe he doesn't want to say too much?!)

    any btdt advice? TIA.
    married to an anesthesia attending

  • #2
    How many hours is she sleeping total during a 24 hour period?

    And when she is waking from her nap, is she truely just waking up, or has she been awake for a while and just chillin' out?


    • #3
      I'd wait to look at the sleep thing until you've got the feedings figured out. Sometimes babies sleep more when they're in a growth spurt, and if she's still low on caloric intake, chances are she may be kind of sleeping through some of what she doesn't have the energy for.

      I'd mention it to the ped so he has the whole picture (food intake=energy, after all), but I wouldn't stress on it yet. After all, your BIL is a ped, and since when have the Germans in your dh's family every been wary of "saying too much"??


      • #4
        At that age, my DD would nap after being awake for just a couple hours, but she took very short naps. I would look at the total # of hrs of sleep per 24 hrs. I think the average is around 15 hrs.

        I wouldn't stress too much about it - is she alert when she is awake?
        Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos


        • #5
          Originally posted by alison View Post
          Is this abnormal? She's usually only up for an hour and a half before she starts rubbing her eyes and wanting to nap.


          I think the hour and a half is about right, in my experience.

          Of course, what my 5 kids have taught me is that there is no *normal* when it comes to naps. Every kid needs a different amount, every kid has different patterns. It's maddening.

          My last ped (I see a different one every time-- I'm too impatient to wait for my assigned doctor!) said that they only really are concerned about long stretches of sleep--- they want the kids *sleeping through the night* (there are all sorts of definitions for this phrase in and of itself, but for kids over 12 months, which is what the ped was talking about, this means 9-10 hours in a row) for optimum brain development... FWIW. I don't know if I put a lot of stock in any of it anymore.

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #6
            We do very intense play and talking when dd is awake. Maybe I just poop her out.

            So, with 4 naps and sleeping a good 11 hours at night, she sleeps around 16-17 hours total.

            I think I'll just let her be for now, and not try to regulate her sleeping. Like you said, Jenn, I should probably get the feeding stuff under control.

            I've asked bil for advice on some things, but for the most part he says "I usually tell parents XYZ." Humph.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Baby Center seems to find that to be the high end of normal, more or less.

              Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
              Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

              “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
              Lev Grossman, The Magician King


              • #8
                16-17 doesn't sound freakishly high. I would definately work on getting the feeding down pat and then tackle sleep.

                How is the cup feeding going, is she taking more in that way?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                  16-17 doesn't sound freakishly high. I would definately work on getting the feeding down pat and then tackle sleep.

                  How is the cup feeding going, is she taking more in that way?
                  I guess it was the 3-hour nap that had me freaked out today. The other naps today weren't nearly as long.

                  The cup feeding is going well. It's so messy, because even the slightest head-turn makes it spill. She also sees that there's formula in her bib (we have one of those plastic ones that catches food), and she tries tip it towards her mouth by leaning back and pushing out her chest... Ugh! It's really cute though.
                  married to an anesthesia attending


                  • #10
                    Would putting a folded paper towel in the pocket help?


                    • #11
                      9-month-old DS sometimes had a three hour nap. I just check on him every hour or so and enjoy the silence! On hs last marathon nap, I sat in a rocking chair and read the Twilight series the whole time!

