Tommorow is the day that I have waited for for such a long time. After our son's surgery (he had a Cranial Vault Reconstruction) he was fitted for and had to wear an orthotic helmet to protect his huge soft spots and to help mold his head from a boat shape into a more normal appearance. Anyways, we last saw his CFS and Neuro back in November and I left the office completely bummed because the CFS wanted him to continue helmet therapy until his next appointment which is TOMORROW! A few weeks ago, ds's orthotist said his head looked great and that he wouldn't be suprised if we were finished soon! Our neuro told us that he didn't see why he even needed it because his skull was very hard now and his soft spots had mostly closed. So I've been so anxious about this appointment! While ds was in the hospital following his surgery, there was another baby in there who had just had the same surgery by the same CFS. I found her on a cranio support website a few days ago, they met with the CFS yesterday and she has to wear it for another 3 months.
I so totally hope that we don't hear the same words come out of his mouth tomorrow and I'm willing to put up a fight. He better have some darn good reasoning behind it, especially if the neuro thinks it's pointless! I'm trying to brace myself for the worst while hoping for the best!
I should also add that throughout this entire process, the consults, the 2-3 doctor appointments a month, the surgery and the recovery process (2-3 dr appointments a week) dh has been absent
He was there the day of the surgery and drove an hour out of his way every evening to be there with us for a few hours. So he did all he could do. It's just so hard and I'm sure many of you feel the same way, making the transition into medical school.
How do you make it through this without feeling some sort of resentment towards dh? I know he's doing all he can and it hurts him more than me being away from us, but it's still soooooo hard!!!

I should also add that throughout this entire process, the consults, the 2-3 doctor appointments a month, the surgery and the recovery process (2-3 dr appointments a week) dh has been absent

How do you make it through this without feeling some sort of resentment towards dh? I know he's doing all he can and it hurts him more than me being away from us, but it's still soooooo hard!!!
