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Breastfeeding and weight loss

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  • #16
    Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
    My sister swears that her ta-tas actually get smaller after each child (she just weaned her 4th).
    Same here. I am now training bra size. Before I had my first pregnancy (six children ago) I was a C cup. I'm at AA now. I envy the women who see breast growth after each child. Nursing completely destroyed my breast tissue.
    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #17
      Originally posted by ides View Post
      Breastfeeding actually made me gain weight. Everytime I nursed him I became a hungry monster. Just couldn't get enough food in me. So, I ate too much and ended up gaining 10lbs. I'm still breastfeeding but I'm not getting as much insane hunger pangs so the weight is starting to go down a bit. I walk an awful lot but that's about it for exercise for me.
      I had to check to see if I had posted this. My story exactally!! I am finally back to my weight when I left the hospital, but my body is being stubborn. I'm excersizing at least 3 times a week and doing weight watchers. I did fudge and say that Im only breastfeeding part time when Im still exclusive, but it hasn't made any big difference in weight loss. And yes, even if all the weight went away, my body would certainally be a different shape
      Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


      • #18
        I can't tell whether breastfeeding helped with weight loss or not. It is hard to know what to compare it to when you can't compare how much weight you would lose with out breastfeeding v/s with it. I stopped breastfeeding at six months and that is around the time I reached my pre-pregnancy weight.


        • #19
          BF gets me to a certain point...say within 5 to 10 pounds and then my body holds onto the rest for dear life. I believe that my body knows that I have to retain the extra weight in order to BF because production is always an issue for me. The remaining comes off with old fashioned work outs after weaning. I am also voraciously hungry when pregnant and BF.

          I have to add that weight loss has been slower with each pregnancy. Ye ol' metabolism ain't what it used to be. I find that the first 25 to 30 pounds fall off within the first two to three weeks. The rest comes off slowly.

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #20
            Ditto to what Kelly wrote... the weight came off slowly and steadily during the first weeks/months of breastfeeding until I got to within about 7 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight and then it just stopped. I have to admit though, I'm not sweating it too much. I'm kind of enjoying being able to eat whatever I want while breastfeeding and not GAIN weight. I've kind of accepted that my weight will stay up a little bit until I get back into my normal routine after weaning her.

            And working out?!? I am in awe of those of you who manage to work out AND take care of an infant. Right now I'm in the worst physical condition of my life. It's not pretty. I'm looking forward to Spring just so I can take DD out for long walks in the stroller and hopefully get some muscle tone back in my legs. Pregnancy did a number on my body. I don't really recognize it anymore. Of course, I also failed to work out regularly during pregnancy... so I don't know why this would surprise me.
            Attorney, wife to EM attending, mom to two girls (ages 5 and 2)


            • #21
              Originally posted by JC76 View Post
              And working out?!? I am in awe of those of you who manage to work out AND take care of an infant. Right now I'm in the worst physical condition of my life. It's not pretty. I'm looking forward to Spring just so I can take DD out for long walks in the stroller and hopefully get some muscle tone back in my legs. Pregnancy did a number on my body. I don't really recognize it anymore. Of course, I also failed to work out regularly during pregnancy... so I don't know why this would surprise me.
              I also NEVER workout when pregnant. I just want a break from worrying about my body when pregnant. But boy does it kick me in the ass afterwards because I have soooo much weight to lose from sitting on my butt and eating. Now, I use nap time to workout, which kinda sucks because I would rather read a book or clean. Yeah, I said clean.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Chrisada View Post
                I also NEVER workout when pregnant. I just want a break from worrying about my body when pregnant. But boy does it kick me in the ass afterwards because I have soooo much weight to lose from sitting on my butt and eating. Now, I use nap time to workout, which kinda sucks because I would rather read a book or clean. Yeah, I said clean.
                Yeah, I use naptime too. I was going to the gym for a few weeks, but that became a really big PIA so now I just use our treadmill. Believe me I am normally not very motivated to get in shape but I have 2 huge motivators...1. I am in a wedding in July and I really don't want to look like the fatty that I am right now. 2. I have NO clothes to wear. Only sweats and stretchy t's and sweatshirts. I look like a slob half the time.
                Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Ladybug122 View Post
                  Yeah, I use naptime too. I have NO clothes to wear. Only sweats and stretchy t's and sweatshirts. I look like a slob half the time.
                  I either use naptime or go to the Y and use their daycare service.

                  The nothing to wear is getting to me. Normally, I wear fitted t's and body skimming clothing, but well, let's just say no one wants to see my cottage cheese backside in body skimming pants...


                  • #24
                    I gained 40 lbs when pregnant. I lost 13 with the baby and not a pound more by my 6 week appointment. I freaked out a little and started counting calories, cut down on the carbs and working out. Didn't lose any more weight. Stopped counting calories, started eating more "healthy fats" and whole grain carbs. Snack all day on nuts, fruit, whole grain crackers etc. Stopped doing "work outs" and started going on long walks. Lost 6 lbs in 4 weeks or so. 20 more to go. I am nursing 6-9 times a day. I keep repeating the 9 months on 9 months off mantra - some days I am more OK with it than others. I just went out and bought some new clothes. Having 3 outfits that fit was just depressing - now I have pretty, stretchy, summer dresses!
                    Pastry Chef. Wife to PGY-1 Gen Surg DD - born 12/13/09.


                    • #25
                      Sophie is finally weaned and I have lost 3 pounds without making any drastic changes. Hopefully the rest of the weight continues to come off...


                      • #26
                        BabyK was 3 months yesterday and he nurses like a demon. Apparently, he's taking at least 20 oz daily and I'd say he nurses about every 2-3 hours when he's awake. (He's killing me.) He just started day care and I'm trying to keep up with feedings/pumping. I gained 20 lbs during my pregnancy and I've been within 4 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight for several weeks now. However, there is still no fitting into my pre-pregnancy pants. My hips, bust, and waist are all thicker and my stomach still looks like a deflated balloon. I don't expect to loose those last couple pounds or firm up until he's weaned because nursing makes me so hungry! I'm eating more now than I did whan I was pregnant. Last night, I actually fought DrK for the last chicken leg.
                        Last edited by MrsK; 03-17-2010, 08:07 AM.
                        Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                        • #27
                          I gained 35lbs with my pregnancy and lost all of it just by pumping like crazy. I produced twice the milk that my son needed and was able to freeze tons for later. I hate like a hog and still got skinner than before I had a baby. The problem hit when I quit breastfeeding 6 months into it and continued to eat like a hog. If you're looking to lose weight from breastfeeding, I would recommend pumping between feedings. It was a great weight loss plan for me!


                          • #28
                            I've been able to lose almost everything I gained during pregnancy (still have 2lbs to go) but definitely will need to work out to lose the pot belly. So far I can only fit into fat pants because of the said pot belly. I think breastfeeding and 2 flights of stairs definitely helped in the weight loss.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Chrisada View Post
                              Nursing has actually hindered my weight loss. If I decrease my calories at all then my milk does not have enough fat for the baby. Therefore I have to eat a lot when breastfeeding.
                              I agree with Chrisada. When I try to eat less (not starve myself, just eat less fattening stuff) my breastmilk suffers. (I'm exclusively breastfeeding and never have supplemented). Not only was there less fat in the breastmilk, but my supply would go significantly down if I didn't eat enough or if I exercised. I slowly lost the weight but I think it was not the breastfeeding exclusively. I walk to work so I always get about 3 miles of walking in a day. Breastfeeding has hindered my diet/exercise because really my supply suffers, so I can't over exert myself... otherwise I have to eat a lot to make up for it and I think that defeats the whole purpose.

                              Also, my body changed significantly. I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but my stomach is much bigger and I lost my butt. Gosh I miss my firm stomach! I can't complain though-- I don't do crunches like I should.
                              Attorney, mom, married to a vascular surgery fellow!

