Dd's been tugging at her ear, but isn't running a fever. She's been up frequently over the course of the night for the past week or so. My sense is that she's teething, since she seems super uncomfortable at night. Do you have any suggestions for how to get her through this stage? She's really fussy just as I put her down for bed at 8pm. I usually bring her back out again to cuddle, and then she goes down eventually after several crying fits by around 9:30-10pm.
Should I offer her one of those chilled teethers before she goes to bed?
What about the topical stuff like orajel?
Thanks in advance to all you btdt parents.
Should I offer her one of those chilled teethers before she goes to bed?
What about the topical stuff like orajel?
Thanks in advance to all you btdt parents.
