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Sleep help

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  • Sleep help

    It seems to be the kid help day - first eating and now sleeping.

    So R is 6 1/2 months. For probably 3-4 weeks we've been letting him cry for up to 20 minutes at nap and bed if we know he's tired. Like he falls asleep in our arms but wakes up as soon as we put him down. We've also been doing a better job of making sure he's not already asleep when we put him down. He's eating about every 3 hours during the day in 6-8oz bottles but still has no interest in any kind of food, which is fine.

    So my ped told me that we could try to get him to sleep through the night by letting him cry for a little bit when he wakes up in the middle of the night and seeing if he'll go back to sleep on his own. She said if we felt like he still needed one night bottle that was fine, but no more then that. So that is what we've been doing and its ben working pretty well. He goes down around 6 and then usually wakes up between 10-2 (I know thats a big window) and then sleeps until 6.

    So last night he woke up at 9 screaming bloody murder, after 5 minutes it was obvious he was not going to go back to sleep so we went and got him. DH tried to calm him, I tried to calm him but nothing got him to stop screaming until we gave him his bottle. Then he woke up again at 3:15 and I fed him again.

    So that was a lot of detail for my simple question. Do you think sleep training can cause separation anxiety? His daytime separation anxiety seems to have gotten worse in the last 2 weeks...
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    I think anything is possible with little ones.

    Even at 16 months, if S is crying, she has a very hard time falling asleep. I end up rocking her until she is calm and trying again. I have no strength for CIO.

    It makes sense that CIO could heighten separation anxiety. He seems a bit young for it, but it is possible. Are you letting him cry in the middle of the night, or just when he is going down for bed/nap?


    • #3
      BabyK is a month younger than R and we have not yet had our CIO experience. He's been going to bed around 7:30 and then waking around 3. Not much to complain about since that is 8 hours but 7:30 - 3 is not ideal sleep time for grown ups. We have considered letting him CIO when he wakes at 3 but when we check on him we always discover that he is wet or soiled so we cannot just let him be. The last couple nights, I tried semi-waking him at 10 when I was ready for bed to nurse/top him off. He slept until 6AM on Sunday and until 5AM today -- and woke up in a much better mood having gotten closer to 10 hours sleep. You may want to give it a try.

      Also, isn't there another growth spurt around 6 mo?
      Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


      • #4
        At night I can usually tell by his cry if he's just awake or he's hungry. Luckily he's a pretty regular kid so soiled diapers at night don't happen.

        I say we let him cry up to 20 minutes but that rarely happens, like for nap today he literally cried for less then 2 minutes.

        I don't know what else to do because if we stop letting him cry at all he'll never sleep anywhere other then my arms. I guess for now we'll stick with the one feeding and see what happens. I'm hesitant to try a 10pm dream feed because every time I woke Adele up without her letting her wake herself up she never went right back to sleep she was always up for a couple of hours.

        Thanks for the thoughts.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Is he pooping regularly? I ask, because constipation is the only reason dd cries at night (other than for her one feeding). She doesn't even fuss when she's teething (although, could that be another reason for R?).
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            You know, that is a good point alison. We did start him back on his 1/2oz water with 1/2oz prune juice yesterday morning because he hadn't pooped in more then 24 hours. We stopped it when he stopped his zantac but maybe it wasn't the zantac causing the constipation, maybe it was the formula. So we're back on it and he did seem to have an easier stool today. So far tonight he's been asleep since about 6:15, we'll see. He was also a lot happier today, only a few melt downs when I left his view.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7
              It is pretty common for formula to caus constipation, so that could easily be what is troubling him. Hopefully it is that easy! It is so hard when they don't have a clear way to communicate!


              • #8
                Last night was better, he woke up at 11, ate and slept until 6ish. Hopefully that continues. Thanks for the suggestions gang!
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

