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And for my next trick. . .

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  • And for my next trick. . .

    BabyK has graduated from open-mouthed kisses with the dog to simply sticking his tounge out when she approaches so they can touch tounges. All together now, eeewwwwwwwwwww.
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.

  • #2
    ha ha ha! My 3 year old boy child tries to share his sippy with our dog. That thought never ever crossed my daughters' minds when they were toddlers.
    Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


    • #3
      They say a dog's mouth is cleaner than ours...right???? These are the moments to remind him of in 16 or so years
      Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


      • #4
        Are you getting pictures of this?


        • #5
          LOL! I'm sorry - I'm laughing *with* you, right?!
          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


          • #6
            Be really really careful. Dogs can still be instinctual and bite... Dh was bitten in the mouth by a seemingly sweet fluffy dog and had to have stitches at 10 months.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Oh, I know! Initially, I was really spooked when the dog approached the baby and very squeemish about allowing her near his face. But now it's nearly impossible to keep them apart and I don't know what I'm going to do when he starts crawling. For the time being, I'm just making sure I'm right on top of them when they are together and I'm trying to teach him not to pull her hair or bug her when she tires of him. At the same time, I've trying to encourage her to only lick him below the knee but that's not going very well. Michele, any tips?
              Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


              • #8
                Yeah, I figured you'd be on top of things. It just makes me very nervous, because dd adores dogs and can spot them a mile away!

                It's so hard when they can crawl and move about. Dd has brusises and scrapes on her face from when she pulls herself up, can't quite keep her balance, and falls onto or against things. She's pretty unsteady, so she's banged up!
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  OMG! No!!!! hahahaha! You've got to get a pic of this!!
                  Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                  "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                  • #10
                    I join in on the *eeeeewwwww*

                    but good pics to put in the old slideshow at the wedding, or at the residency dinner, etc.

                    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                    • #11
                      Re: And for my next trick. . .

                      I don't know of a good way to train a dog to only lick a certain area on someone else. Maybe constant redirection?

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • #12
                        If it is anything like this, it is probably cute!

                        Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                        • #13
                          Pretty gross, but cute and funny.

                          I use to nanny for a little girl whose dog was very protective of her. When anyone (including her parents) tickled her the dog would get really upset and start growling at you to stop. We finally trained him that it was OK and that the giggles were good, not bad, but he was very very protective of her. Then when she started crawling and going after him he went and hid so his tail didn't get pulled again.

                          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!

