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Potty Training

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  • Potty Training

    Ok so Friday before we left to go home for the weekend A's diaper leaked and she jumped up and said water! She didn't like being wet. She is 29 months. So this morning we put on training pants and a shirt only, after about 30 minutes she said she had to go poopy so I put her on the potty, she didn't poop but she peed so I made a big deal about it, put her training pants back on and less then 5 minutes later she pooped in her pants. I showed her that the poop goes in the toilet and let her flush it and changed her training pants. Then we had to go to the store because we'd been gone all weekend and needed groceries so I put her in a pull-up I asked her several times at the store if she needed to go potty and she said no. When we got home she was dry, I asked her again if she needed to go, she said no, so I put her in her training pants and in less then 5 minutes she peed in her pants, again saying "water" as it ran down her leg. I tried to rush her to the potty but she was done.

    I know she's going to have accidents but do you think because she's saying water she doesn't realize what she's doing? Should I leave her in the wet pants for a few minutes so that she's uncomfortable??

    I know people say the best thing to do is just stay home for several days and do nothing but training pants but she has a tumbling class that starts tomorrow that is already paid for and she is going to daycare on Thursday because I have a bunch of appointments. Is this not going to work because we still want to get out and do some things??

    I guess I also need a good carpet cleaner suggestion
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    Originally posted by SuzySunshine View Post

    I know she's going to have accidents but do you think because she's saying water she doesn't realize what she's doing? Should I leave her in the wet pants for a few minutes so that she's uncomfortable??

    I know people say the best thing to do is just stay home for several days and do nothing but training pants but she has a tumbling class that starts tomorrow that is already paid for and she is going to daycare on Thursday because I have a bunch of appointments. Is this not going to work because we still want to get out and do some things??

    I guess I also need a good carpet cleaner suggestion
    I'd let it wait until you don't have any activities planned. The in/out of pants vs. pull ups is just going to be confusing, and by saying "water" she may not be getting what she's doing still. Potty training is going to be enough of a headache, it's probably best if you don't start out of the gate with extra hurdles.


    • #3
      I have to agree with Jenn. Can you hold off for a weekend when B is around to help? We followed C around with a potty, placing it in which ever room he was in. Lots of M&M's were used as bribes and it worked (eventually)


      • #4
        Potty Training

        Unfortunately I'm on my own. B doesn't have a weekend off that we don't already have plans until the end of July. We'll see how the rest of today goes, we may just put it on hold.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Never mind, she's not ready - she just peed on the kitchen floor, looked down at it and said "water". I asked her "did you just go potty" and she said no - she doesn't grasp the concept that its coming from her. So we're back in diapers and we'll try again someday
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #6
            Good god just reading that brought back memories. None of them good. I think I traumatized myself with potty-training. Thankfully my kid seems fine. (thanks to Miss Cindy at the Circle School, who with her long blonde hair and pretty green eyes, simply said, "Nikolai, big boys use the potty." Yep. Pretty blondes and the guy behaves)

            Best of luck, when she's ready.



            • #7
              Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
              (thanks to Miss Cindy at the Circle School, who with her long blonde hair and pretty green eyes, simply said, "Nikolai, big boys use the potty." Yep. Pretty blondes and the guy behaves)

              Best of luck, when she's ready.

              Mrs. Sunshine, the bitch at Jacob's preschool in Cleveland told him "Girls sit down to pee. Boys stand." and gave him a whole new hurdle and trauma to deal with. Please! I was thrilled he was doing ANYTHING in the potty in ANY way!

              Yes. It was her real name. I think she strove to make sure it didn't fit her.


              • #8
                So here is a really dense question - does she really not know that she does this? Is that the whole reason behind potty training is that they don't know they pee? Every time she did this today she really looked like she had no idea. Should she already have the concept that she pees she just needs to learn to do it in the potty??
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • #9
                  No, I think they also need to be taught that it is indeed coming from them. Once they get that, then it is to control the urge to go.


                  • #10
                    I don't think dude figured it out until he was about 3 and a half. I mean I think because it was right there in front of him (being a guy and all) that he knew where pee came from, but the concept that he could actually do something about it seemed a long time coming. Actually, the day he spiked the crazy fever and they wanted to make sure he didn't have a uti was one of the first times he put it all together (that was the famous quote- "Mommy. There is a baggie ON. MY. PECKER." Me "I know" Him: "well, that's just silly."

