So DD is 8 months old. She started solids when she was just shy of 6 months. She likes cereal, fruit, sweet potatoes, and yogurt. Will only eat the "dinners" that contain sweet potatoes or fruit (ie only sweet tasting dinners). REFUSES any peas, carrots, squash, mac n cheese, and any othe type of meal. I have even tried making my own baby food (veggies) and she refused that too. Basically she only eats sweet food.
Also, she has a texture issue. Won't eat anything that isn't pureed smooth. As in silky smooth. Even mashed bananas (which I thought ALL babies liked) she turns her head at.
She doesn't have any teeth yet. DS didn't get teeth until closer to 10-11 months. Looks like she might be the same.
So, my question is, how do I get her to branch out and eat something with texture and some veggies other than sweet potatoes? I'm not really concerned about her nutrition because she is still breastfeeding well, but I think that she could benefit from eating veggies and some non-sweet food. Am I overthinking it? My son who is now 4 was such a huge eater as a baby...he'd eat anything you put on a spoon! I guess I'm not used to a baby having an opinion about food!
I appreciate any suggestions!
p.s. I know that you need to have a baby try something many times before they will accept it, and I have tried (and tried and tried)! I am tired of throwing away baby food! What a waste!
Also, she has a texture issue. Won't eat anything that isn't pureed smooth. As in silky smooth. Even mashed bananas (which I thought ALL babies liked) she turns her head at.
She doesn't have any teeth yet. DS didn't get teeth until closer to 10-11 months. Looks like she might be the same.
So, my question is, how do I get her to branch out and eat something with texture and some veggies other than sweet potatoes? I'm not really concerned about her nutrition because she is still breastfeeding well, but I think that she could benefit from eating veggies and some non-sweet food. Am I overthinking it? My son who is now 4 was such a huge eater as a baby...he'd eat anything you put on a spoon! I guess I'm not used to a baby having an opinion about food!

p.s. I know that you need to have a baby try something many times before they will accept it, and I have tried (and tried and tried)! I am tired of throwing away baby food! What a waste!