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Bracing for an upper Midwest winter

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  • Bracing for an upper Midwest winter

    I wanted to start buying cold weather gear and clothes for us and DD but since I've never lived anywhere where it ever goes below zero degrees I have no idea what to get. My DD is 19 months old now - so looking for things for a toddler. I was thinking about getting an Arctic Toddler BundleMe but I don't know how often I'll be using the stroller. What type of jacket should I get for her? I have this jacket in 2T:

    Do I need something warmer for her? What else should I get? I am pretty clueless so please tell me what works/worked for you and your toddler!


  • #2
    The only thing I'd be careful of with that coat is that it's "water resistant" instead of waterproof. Makes a big difference if you're in an area with wet, heavy, lake effect snow.


    • #3
      I wouldn't bother with such an expensive coat unless you are planning on spending hours outside at a time. And a toddler will not have the stamina for that. You will definitely need snowpants, boots, hats and mittens. I am not a fan of scarves on little ones, it tends to bother them more than they benefit from it. When you buy mittens, don't bother with knit mittens, they don't keep out the wind or moisture. Look for ones like these (but not that expensive - walmart and target both sell decent versions). For boots, the best is if you can find ones with a removable liner. That way when they come in wet, you can toss the liner in the dryer. Otherwise, they might still be wet the next day.

      I usually crochet a dummy cord and run it through the sleeves of the coat and sew it to the cuff of the mittens to prevent losing them. If you don't, be prepared to purchase multiple sets of mittens. They always seem to go missing at the most inconvient times.

      Don't forget to get yourself a decent pair of boots. I think I got mine at target or farm & fleet (or fleet farm depending on where you are). I love them, but they are not dainty boots, they are huge and keep my feet toasty! I have a $15.00 pair of snow pants and I am satisfied with them for myself.


      • #4
        I can't live without my kids fleece hat/hoodies. Okay, I don't know what they're officially called, and I have our friends send them from Iceland, but they are basically the same thing that Lands End calls a Balaclava. Typically Children's Place sells a coat that is three or four coats in one that is reasonably priced, and works well for the variety of temperature the midwest has.
        Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


        • #5
          I think I mentioned this in the pregnancy forums, but again, I think you should all do an MSN Swap for these items. An on-line sign out type of thing. How many items sit in a closet for several years that could be used and returned..
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            Last winter when Cora was just over 2, she only played in the snow for short periods. Her coat was from Target and it was the kind with a fleece jacket inner layer, and then a water resistant outer layer shell, and zipped together they were really warm but each layer could be worn separately, too. I really liked that style and hope we can get a similar one this year.

            Her mittens were always coming off and this year I'm definitely trying out some L-Bow mittens, because I've heard good things about them.

            And for times when we're just going from the house to the car and the car to the store or whatever, I like something like this, because (1) it's not too bulky for the car seat straps to fit right and (2) the ends of the sleeves fold over to cover the hands (another genius solution to the mitten problem) and (3) the elastic around the face. We have a jacket-length one that Cora wore for two winters that apparently Columbia doesn't make anymore, and I just picked up a full-bunting-length one for Hazel at Once Upon a Child this week.

            Our stroller setup looks like this. I liked that that bunting thing zipped up the middle, and that by crossing the snaps I could draw it in snug around her neck. It was from One Step Ahead, but apparently they don't carry that anymore, either. Now that we have two cars I don't know how much we'll use our stroller in the cold, either--I know you're in the same boat.

            I'm in denial that I'm living somewhere even colder than Chicago this year.
            Last edited by Auspicious; 08-25-2010, 10:30 PM.
            Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
            Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

            “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
            Lev Grossman, The Magician King


            • #7
              Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
              I wouldn't bother with such an expensive coat unless you are planning on spending hours outside at a time. And a toddler will not have the stamina for that. You will definitely need snowpants, boots, hats and mittens. I am not a fan of scarves on little ones, it tends to bother them more than they benefit from it. When you buy mittens, don't bother with knit mittens, they don't keep out the wind or moisture. Look for ones like these (but not that expensive - walmart and target both sell decent versions). For boots, the best is if you can find ones with a removable liner. That way when they come in wet, you can toss the liner in the dryer. Otherwise, they might still be wet the next day.

              I usually crochet a dummy cord and run it through the sleeves of the coat and sew it to the cuff of the mittens to prevent losing them. If you don't, be prepared to purchase multiple sets of mittens. They always seem to go missing at the most inconvient times.

              Don't forget to get yourself a decent pair of boots. I think I got mine at target or farm & fleet (or fleet farm depending on where you are). I love them, but they are not dainty boots, they are huge and keep my feet toasty! I have a $15.00 pair of snow pants and I am satisfied with them for myself.
              Yes this. Kids younger than 3 really don't "play" let alone hang out in the cold. Yes baby needs something to go from the car to where you are going but I just don't see anyone taking baby for a walk in the stroller when it's 5 degrees. Good boots and a coat is crucial for Mommy too. Don't underestimate the power of a puffy coat. I loved hats that had wool exteriors and fleece interiors. They really cut the wind. Finally, depending on your age and skin type keep in mind your moisturizing situation might be totally different in this climate. I went from having "combination skin" in the winter in a mild climate to needing HEAVY night cream due to the fricken cold weather. My face felt burned in the beginning and then adjusted. Good luck!

              Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

              “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


              • #8
                Originally posted by Deebs View Post
                Typically Children's Place sells a coat that is three or four coats in one that is reasonably priced, and works well for the variety of temperature the midwest has.
                I haven't had very good luck with these with my boys. We've tried 2 years in a row, and the different layers/coats get bunched up or pulled out and the kids shove their arms in the wrong places. I'm looking forward to buying normal coats this year.

                As for the high-end winter gear -- I totally agree w/HouseofWool's post. My friend lived in Alaska and was very outdoorsy even in the cold, so it made sense for her to drop the $ on such things. But if you're not, and you'll just be shuttling in and out of the house/car, just get basic stuff.

                @Luanne - lots of us do pass stuff on. I've been the beneficiary of some AWESOME girl clothes (see M on facebook), and I've passed stuff on to others. In fact, Ravenclaw - remind me how much younger your daughter is than M (about to turn 2). If I've got stuff that will work, I'll send it on.


                • #9
                  Thanks guys!

                  Yeah I do think I'll just be shuttling her from house to car to destination and back. Although I am surprised most places we'll be going to do not have indoor or underground parking. We've heard that on some days, every part of your body needs to be covered even if you are out for just a few minutes! DH and I were wondering if we need to get DD a face mask or something! (We are both a little neurotic!) A mom I talked to today who grew up here recommended following the guidelines of daycares in the area that will not let kids under 5 play outside in the winter time. I guess we'll be doing that. (Auspicious, you and I will have to help each other out in finding fun indoor places for our munchkins this winter!) Coincidentally, DD will be 4.5 by the time we leave so she'll never really be outside for the majority of her time here!

                  I'm definitely going to get those L-Bow mittens - a really good idea.

                  What about a snow suit? Is that overkill if she won't be playing outside?

                  House of Wool - I actually got that coat during a really big Gap sale last fall for $16! She used it all last winter and maybe she'll use it a few times here.

                  Shakti - DD is almost 20 months, just a few months behind yours!


                  • #10
                    Don't underestimate blankets! when we were in MN, on the really cold days, I'd bundle DD up, and then grab a big blanket and kind of scoop her up in it (then I also had a blanket in the car in case it broke down or didn't start - we didn't have an engine block heater and I was always paranoid about that). While Rochester only has a few days of ridiculously cold, so it wasn't all that difficult, if I wasn't working, we stayed home on those days.
                    Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ravenclaw View Post
                      Auspicious, you and I will have to help each other out in finding fun indoor places for our munchkins this winter!
                      Yoouh betcha! ()
                      Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                      Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                      “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                      Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Deebs View Post
                        Don't underestimate blankets! when we were in MN, on the really cold days, I'd bundle DD up, and then grab a big blanket and kind of scoop her up in it
                        Yes. You don't want her in a big fluffy coat (or snow suit, IMO) for errands. She'll get too hot in the car. Plus, there are safety guidelines about thickness of coat/carseat straps, etc.

                        Too bad A & M are so close. M's hand-me-downs won't work for her.


                        • #13
                          Bracing for an upper Midwest winter

                          Some snow/cold weather gear is really bulky for a toddler. There are some thin gear out there but it was too pricey for us. Last winter we got a puffy/down coat for O from the Gap. He was between sizes so we went on the big side. Poor guy had trouble balancing and moving around. As he grew over the winter & became a better walker he was able to play pretty good in it. We got the bib pants too but never wore them because he wouldn't be able to walk around! Lol! We did go out quite a bit when it was cold cause we had no where else to go & the apt is too small to stay in all day. We did stay in on the super frigid days however. I also used a fleece blanket under his bundleme bunting in the stroller which worked well for us.
                          Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.

