I just met our neighbors who have 15-yr-old and 13-yr-old daughters. This family babysat for our landlords kids, so they are well recommended. I'm looking to have one of them babysit for our 17-month-old DD one afternoon a week for a couple of hours. My original thought was just to have the 15-yr-old babysit, but their mom mentioned in her voicemail (we're playing phone tag) that they could switch off every other week. I'm just a little concerned that 13 is a little young to watch a small toddler.
Many times I anticipate actually staying in the house - hiding in our spare room doing projects. Maybe the younger one could watch her while I'm in the house still? The girls do seem mature, but I'm still a little concerned.
Many times I anticipate actually staying in the house - hiding in our spare room doing projects. Maybe the younger one could watch her while I'm in the house still? The girls do seem mature, but I'm still a little concerned.