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Recommendations for potty chairs?

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  • Recommendations for potty chairs?

    Hi all you experienced moms out there! Anybody have a good recommendation for a potty chair for girls? My DD is just 18 months and not necessarily showing interest in potty training, but I thought it might be good to have one on hand to slowly introduce. Feel free to point me to past threads on this topic.

    Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos

  • #2
    Get a one-piece potty chair. With both of my kids, the two piece chairs have allowed potty to get between the bowl of the chair and chair itself. Disgusting!
    We got this for my son.
    It has a super easy clean up and it easy for him to get on and off. We also have a seat that goes on the actual toilet, but I've found that a little potty chair is best for training.
    Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


    • #3
      We have a baby bjorn one and an IKEA one. My kids have mostly used the big toilet though.


      • #4
        Ditto both of the above posts. I've tried several potty chairs, and the Fisher Price frog one is by far the best. It's super easy to clean, no yucky stuff that collects anywhere, and it keeps pee from going across the room - especially helpful if you ever have a boy. They do make this chair in pink, too.

        But training on the toilet is even simpler. You can have them sit backwards (especially boys) to give them extra support.


        • #5
          The best potty chair we ever had was this one:

          We've had them all, I mean seriously. The best thing about this one is that in the end our kiddos preferred sitting on the actual potty. This was so easy to take on and off and there is no clean up, just flush the potty, and the kiddos feel very secure.
          Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


          • #6
            Tara - is that a pain to move around (so others can still use that toilet?). We only have 1 bathroom on the first floor, and it's a 1/2 bath - so not a lot of extra space. I can see why it would be a good choice.


            • #7
              We use the bjorn seat that goes on the toilet. It's really sturdy. I bought 3 in different colors LOL. I bought one for my mom's house for when we visit. The seat is on top of the toilet, bc I can not stand the cleaning out the little bucket routine. Yuck.

              I do have some of the other little cute potty chairs for them to sit on and play on, but that's about all that ever became of those things.

              And J is 2 years and I'm not even thinking about dragging them out... I just don't even want to approach potty training until we are ready for that. I always wait til close to 3 years old though. The path of least resistance...

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #8
                Thanks everyone! Tara - I really like that one. I think I'll hold off for now though. I was slightly panicking last week because all of a sudden, she started leaking out of her diapers all the time. I thought maybe her bladder control was increasing or something and she was holding it longer, and maybe I needed to start encouraging the potty. Well, it turns out that it was just a bad batch of Kirkland diapers. It was like she was wearing swim diapers - that's about all the pee it would hold. In fact, the worst was at storytime when she was sitting on my lap, and I felt the warmth..... Good thing nobody else noticed and we scooted out of there right away. Ugh. Anyway, we're back to Pampers and all is well again
                Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos

