ADMINISTRATORS EDIT: This thread is composed of posts split off from the thread "Baby Blues". It stemmed from a discussion about moms at home with young children. It was split after two pages of OT posts. The remaining "Baby Blues" thread is still in this forum. You can read the first two pages there to find the origin of this conversation. Sorry for the confusion.
I have a genuine question: what's not to like about staying at home? I don't have kids, and was a stay at home wife this summer for 4 months while school was out and it was fabulous. The only thing I did was plan/manage our renovations, but otherwise I watched lots of movies, read a lot, went sightseeing, stayed up late every night and slept late every day, etc. I loved not having a job/any obligations and just focusing on the home. To tell you the truth, lately I've thought about quitting grad school in order to be a stay at home wife full-time. I guess I prefer the lower stress of staying at home to the much higher stress of work. And I guess I just don't find work as a concept all that fulfilling anymore. I also think about how much more quality time I'd get to spend with DH if I was a stay at home wife, and this is really important to me. I could do all the cleaning, cooking, errands and chores before he came home, so we could spend quality time together. For the four months I stayed home, I never once thought that I was bored. I did miss social interaction with people, but it definitely wasn't boredom. How can a person be bored at home, because you can read, explore your own interests, take adult ed classes, do research online, etc. I'd love to hear thoughts on this.
I have a genuine question: what's not to like about staying at home? I don't have kids, and was a stay at home wife this summer for 4 months while school was out and it was fabulous. The only thing I did was plan/manage our renovations, but otherwise I watched lots of movies, read a lot, went sightseeing, stayed up late every night and slept late every day, etc. I loved not having a job/any obligations and just focusing on the home. To tell you the truth, lately I've thought about quitting grad school in order to be a stay at home wife full-time. I guess I prefer the lower stress of staying at home to the much higher stress of work. And I guess I just don't find work as a concept all that fulfilling anymore. I also think about how much more quality time I'd get to spend with DH if I was a stay at home wife, and this is really important to me. I could do all the cleaning, cooking, errands and chores before he came home, so we could spend quality time together. For the four months I stayed home, I never once thought that I was bored. I did miss social interaction with people, but it definitely wasn't boredom. How can a person be bored at home, because you can read, explore your own interests, take adult ed classes, do research online, etc. I'd love to hear thoughts on this.