How many words should my 16 month old be using? My last baby was a TALKER and constructed entire monologues by the time she was two. I think she might have distorted my perspective. My current guy says Daddy, Mommy, his brother's name, and some derivative of his sister's name. He has signed about three signs, nods yes, no, waves high, and claps when he sees others clapping. His hearing seems to be fine because he dances to music and looks right at us and screams if we say 'no' before proceeding to do whatever he wants to do anyway. He definitely is more into movement than talking. Nonetheless, he definitely is a later talker than my other kids.
Also, what do you count as words? If they have ever said a word, does it count or do they have to be using it all the time. He has said hi, book, and ball but doesn't use them consistently. Thoughts? Advice?
Also, what do you count as words? If they have ever said a word, does it count or do they have to be using it all the time. He has said hi, book, and ball but doesn't use them consistently. Thoughts? Advice?