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getting toddlers/preschoolers to help with housework

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  • getting toddlers/preschoolers to help with housework

    I'm going to need lots of help the next couple weeks because A) DH will be gone part of the time, and B) the home owners are sending someone up to inspect (maybe to get the place re-listed since we'll be moving??). Very shortly after DH gets back from a trip, the house needs to be SPOTLESS. It's not like it's horribly difficult to clean, but it's amazing how quickly they can smash a pack of crackers into an unreachable spot. I can't do this without some cooperation from the three munchkins. (If anyone has advice on getting the infant to cooperate, too, I'll take four little sets of hands... haha.)

    Maybe it's a little late to start implementing habits, but any ideas? Does anyone successfully get your little ones to help on a daily basis? Do they put their toys away, look out for trash to throw away, keep their clothes in the drawers (and NOT change their own clothes three times a day), stay at the table for snacks, even sweep up crumbs? Are you reminding them constantly? Do you discipline for messiness?

    I'm off to the store to buy more storage/packing boxes. I figure I'll put most of their toys away and let them rotate a few through, so at least we don't have piles of Legos, etc., cluttering up the floor.

    I'm feeling overwhelmed, with DH leaving. I'm open to any ideas and inspiration!!

  • #2
    I don't remember what my mom used to do but I grew up compulsively neat. For the most part, I think we were required to keep our stuff in our rooms or in the rec room. There were also random inspections of the closets, drawers, and areas under the bed. I was always worried that clutter would catch fire or (living in South Florida) that bugs would hide among the mess. My brothers weren't as impacted as I was. Not that I'm recommending you employ these terror techniques with pre-schoolers.

    I'd go for a Mary Poppins approach -- make a game of it. If the twins are competative, use it to your advantage. "How many books can you put away in 2 minutes?" "Who can put all their dirty clothes in the hamper first?" "How many red things can you put away? How many blue things?" Bribes may help too. Little treats or rewards or a star chart for helping, doing chores, and keeping things tidy. Oh, and encourage them to learn how to make their beds by simplifying the bedding. No top sheet. Just the comforter. Then they just have to pull up the comforter and put their pillow in the bed.
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


    • #3
      Have someone come clean the house the day before the inspection. In the meantime you can implement a few chores like 10 minute tidy, pushing in chairs at the table, etc. They are too little to really help get the house ready for inspection but not to young to help out with small chores.
      Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


      • #4
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • #5

          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            Best thing we ever did to help manage the toy mess was get a big toybox so that it's easy for little hands to clean up (just toss it in). My 4 year old is as messy as they come, but he knows that when I say it's "time to pick up" that translates into "Mommy's not going to let me do anything fun/eat snack/ go outside untll it's clean." Sort of a pain to initiate, but consistency has paid off where that's concerned.
            I hear you about the constant housekeeping. Children = Neverending cleaning.
            Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


            • #7
              Oliver (2 1/2) LOVES to use the dustbuster. I have the Dysan handheld and he will use it until the charge is gone. You could get a couple of cheap handhelds so they don't fight over it.
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8
                I hope those links work.

                I suck at cleaning and my boys kinda do too. So we try to keep everything decluttered. They have to put away their toys before bed and sometimes before nap too if I think it will get overwhelming by bedtime. Every toy has a bin it goes in. If there isn't a spot for the toy, it got packed away. I don't want to deal with the extra clutter this year. They can't play with trains or blocks in the living room....that way we don't lose pieces or have all that crap cluttering up my living room. They also can't play with both trains and or the other. I try to have them put away before they get a new toy, but that doesn't always happen.

                My boys don't wear clothes at home...rednecky I I don't have that issue.

                As for actual cleaning, I sometimes give them a wet rag to "clean" with while I do the actual cleaning. My mom gave us spray bottlesofwater when we were little for the same purpose....keepingus busy so she could clean.
                Last edited by Michele; 10-28-2010, 01:40 PM.
                Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                • #9
                  Oh about the snacks, mine have to be sitting to eat...or standing on the floor next to the table is ok too. But if they get up and try to walk around the house, I take the food away...or out of their mouth even. This really reduces crumbs and unknowns getting ground into the sofa cushions. The only couch snack is a cheese stick because mine just eat peeling...and they eat them in a minute.
                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #10
                    We have what Michele posted, and it works great (ours is from Ikea). I have the bins labeled with a picture of the idea of what belongs in them. One bin for instruments, one for doctor toys, one for cars, etc. I go through phases of how good I am, but I try to have them pick up during transitions (preschools start this at two and three years old with success), and pick up before bed. I also try to clean during the first 15-30 minutes of nap/rest time and the first 30 minutes after they go to bed. We have swiffer dusters - both my 2 and 4 year old make pretty good use of them. My 4 year old can help unload and reload the dishwasher, and they both help put laundry into the washer and from the washer to the dryer. My four year old puts away her own socks, underwear, and pjs. She also makes her own bed.

                    I use tons of baskets and bins. I also have clothes hampers that look nice and have lids on them. There are times that I'm completely behind on laundry and no one will ever know. Whenever we've had our house on the market, I pack a ton of stuff to just have less around to clean up. A neater person would probably say get rid of things permanently and weed down. Not me - I love things!
                    Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                    • #11
                      I found a local lady who will come up this way and is available the day before the inspection! *insert huge sigh of relief right here* DH said if we're happy with the results, maybe we'll make this a regular thing!

                      I still need to keep the kids from strewing their stuff all over the house, though, so THANKS for all the ideas! I would love to be a neat freak, but now I'm just hoping to raise at least one or two... We need regular times where they expect to be cleaning, I think.

                      *heads off to order those super cute bins & shelves*


                      • #12
                        Whoo hoo!! That is awesome Deb. I really think it is unrealistic with four little ones to keep a perfectly clean house unless you want to drive yourself and your children crazy. Once the big stuff (ie bathrooms and floors) is taken care of it will be much easier to give the children tasks they can handle without becoming overwhelmed. Good luck!!!
                        Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pollyanna View Post
                          I really think it is unrealistic with four little ones to keep a perfectly clean house unless you want to drive yourself and your children crazy.
                          Thanks - This inspection is coming right on the heels of a major discussion that DH & I had about how abnormal our home situation is (four in diapers, lots of animals, DH's hobbies). I didn't think DH would go for even a one-time cleaning, but apparently something that I said got through to him.

                          I have most of the toys out of the way now. Sans pretty bins for now, we'll just have a few toys out at a time, and if they can keep those off the floor, I'll let them trade them out for others later. I think I'll let them wipe windows and maybe "mop" the non-slip kitchen floor today if it warms up a bit.

