DD had a really bad cold that lasted a week, and now is taking abx for a subsequent ear infection. She still has a pretty bad cough, so I've been hesitant to start taking her to storytime/playgroups, etc. She's feeling fine otherwise, though, and we're both a bit stir crazy and would definitely benefit from some out-of-the-house activities. I was hoping that the abx would take care of her cough too, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Should we stay away from playgroups until her cough is gone? What is the etiquette? If she didn't have this cough, I wouldn't hesitate to take her out, but she's still too young to know how to cover her mouth, etc., and I would hate to get any other kids sick. I suppose I will wait a few days and then contact the doctor again if the cough doesn't go away. Ugh, I hate it when DD gets sick!!! But, I am curious to hear what others do when their kids have colds with regard to attending playgroups, etc.
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Illness related question
I appreciate it when people email the group and say what the symptoms are and if they feel comfortable with the child coming over esp. At someones home. If it is an outdoor setting, then go for it but an enclosed space can make folks a little uncomfortable with a cough...just my thoughts.Danielle
Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!
I don't, but I'm extra sensitive because DS had reactive airway disease that was triggered by colds. (I was hospitalized for it as a child, too.) He would catch everything, and then he'd have to use the nebulizer or even go in for emergency breathing treatments - plus hospitalization, once. Most people don't have to deal with this, so I just figured it was my responsibility to keep him away from sick kids.
That also got us into a pattern of feeling isolated our first year here, and maybe in the long run that's as bad for him as the breathing problems were. There really has to be balance. Tenacious_D's suggestion might be the best way to keep you guys from going stir-crazy but also let any parents of extra-susceptible kids have a heads-up.
I follow the following based on my comfort level. O was sick a lot his first year & had asthma & weezing that required inhalers & steroids. I would be annoyed if another kid was at the park coughing & snoting over everything, cause that meant O would be getting sick soon mostly likely & it would take weeks for him to get better.
Okay if runny nose that is clear. Okay if end of cough that is pretty infrequent and doesn't sound icky.
Frequent icky cough, known infection, or colored snot & lots of sneezing are not ok. We will still go out but not to playgroup or kid crowded areas. Just on errands & walks.Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.
I'd have her cough checked out if it's been going for 3-4 days with no change. We have two things going around down here -- walking pneumonia (my friend's kid ended up with it) and viral bronchitis (my kid got that one). The first is pretty contagious. The second isn't (as long as there's no fever).Veronica
Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy
I hesitate to respond bc I'm probably the mom that everyone hates, but unless my kids are obviously contagious, or are really gross I will bring them to kid functions/playdates. Even green snot doesn't bother me, unless it's running down the kids face, or the kid is wiping the snot everywhere. I expect that my kids will pick up germs and colds when out in public. Especially during cold season. We wash our hands and take reasonable precautions, but I don't do the hand sanitizers or things like that. Our immune systems should handle it just fine. I'm fortunate that my kids get over colds pretty well and we don't have lingering asthma/respiratory issues. If we did I would keep my kids away, not expect others to be more careful. When D was less than a year, I was more careful...because of the NICU/ventilator thing....but he was in daycare at 7 months old....a far bigger cesspool than a playdate or kid function at the library or whatever.Mom of 3, Veterinarian
I did have her cough checked out on Sat, that's when we found out about the ear infection. But I'll definitely take her back in if there is no improvement in a few days.
My gut has told me to keep her away just as many of you would. I'm glad to hear I'm not crazy for doing so. I'm definitely uncomfortable when other little kids are coughing, so my natural instinct was to stay clear of our kid activities.
Michele - I definitely don't mind the snot as much especially if a parent is vigilant about wiping the nose, etc. It's the coughing without covering the mouth (which toddlers usually do) that bothers me because the germs seem to be spreading everywhere. At this point, I don't *think* my DD is all that contagious anymore, but I don't know for sure, and I'd hate for another kid to get sick. Especially with this virus, which was particularly bad. So I guess I'll keep her away until the cough seems less icky. Hopefully she gets better soon!Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos
After 24 hours on the antibiotic I'd take her anywhere. You can mention to other moms that she has a lingering cough but is no longer contagious. Our boys have issues with asthma and cough for weeks after a cold. We would never have gone anywhere if I waited for the cough to be gone because by then they would have caught another virus,. Your audience will make a difference too, a group of first time moms with one child (no offense meant here, I was this mom too) will be far more concerned about your child's cough than more seasoned mommies.
I hope your sweetie is feeling better and you have had a chance to get out and aboutTara
Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.
My nephews are the same way as Tara's boys- both of them (and my brother) have a cough from October 1 through March. Seriously- and John was like that the ENTIRE time we were growing up. They'd never leave the house if coughs were the exclusionary criteria. They keep them home when there's any kind of fever or throwing up. Other than that- they're out.
ETA- I don't get wigged out about coughing or boogers, either. I've worked (and still do) in some serious germ laden petri dishes. I think my husband and I likely bring in far more germs than the kiddo does.
Originally posted by Pollyanna View PostAfter 24 hours on the antibiotic I'd take her anywhere. You can mention to other moms that she has a lingering cough but is no longer contagious. Our boys have issues with asthma and cough for weeks after a cold. We would never have gone anywhere if I waited for the cough to be gone because by then they would have caught another virus,. Your audience will make a difference too, a group of first time moms with one child (no offense meant here, I was this mom too) will be far more concerned about your child's cough than more seasoned mommies.
I hope your sweetie is feeling better and you have had a chance to get out and aboutThanks for the input, everyone!
Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos
That's great. The cough usually clears up pretty fast if its ear infection related. I am glad your dolly is on the mend and you got out for some adult iinteraction.Tara
Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.