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Crib Mattress

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  • Crib Mattress

    What crib mattress do you have? I'm looking at getting the Graco Lauren crib, but overwhelmed by the mattress choices.

  • #2
    I was overwhelmed, too. DH picked ours. We have a Serta Perfect Night. I'm not sure why he picked it, but it has worked out just fine.

    As my kids got older, the mattress protector and ease of washing & replacing it was nearly as important as the mattress itself. Ours are pretty easy - as long as I'm not trying to work around a pregnant belly.


    • #3
      We got a Serta. We just went with the medium priced one at BRU. They all seem really uncomfortable, but they have to be firm.

      I have to plug my sheets - they're awesome! It fits all the way around the mattress, and the top layer zips off. So easy to change!
      My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


      • #4
        We have a Serta...they seem to last forever because we got it used from DH's younger cousins and neither child has complained yet
        Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


        • #5
          Ours was the medium-priced one, too. In our case from JCPenney.
          Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
          Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

          “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
          Lev Grossman, The Magician King


          • #6
            Serta from BRU. I think it was $89.
            Dd sleeps a lot, if that helps in your decision-making at all!
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Serta from JCPenny and it's worked out good so far! I think it was the $99 option. I use a fitted and a flat mattres pad and it still looks brand new after 9 months of use.
              Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
              "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


              • #8
                Whatever you get make sure the covering is a plastic type material so that when you get to the potty training stage you don't have to buy special pads to keep accidents from ruining your mattress. (Crib mattresses fit toddler beds) I think ours is a mid price Serta as well.
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • #9
                  Thanks moms!


                  • #10
                    Jenn gave me the Baby Bargains book and it was really useful for these types of purchases! The whole coil vs foam debate is discussed in it, too!
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #11
                      replying a little late.. but.. we have a kolcraft. it was 32.00 at walmart or target and it is a great mattress. Had awesome reviews..
                      Cheryl~wife to MS3 and Mommy to our two beautiful daughters...


