I need recommendations. My son is 17 months and he's been soaking through his overnight diapers. The diapers have even exploded many evenings and he wakes up covered in diaper stuffing. How do we avoid that? Is there a brand you recommend? Should we try a larger size? (Please don't say cloth diapering.)
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Disposable Overnight Diapers
We always used huggies. Try a bigger size. Also, when my babes got bigger and started soaking through at night, I started using the pull-up plastic, (washable diaper) covers. It contained the pee about 98%.
Good luck!Last edited by rainbabies; 05-24-2011, 05:59 AM.~shacked up with an ob/gyn~
I tried Huggies overnights and they also filled up too much and didn't hold as well. Pamper overnights seem to hold more and keep her drier. It's a $1 more per box here.
Sort of off topic, but has anyone tried Huggies Organic cotton natural diaper? Oh it's SO SOFT and reminds me of Pampers Swadlers! I guess the organic cotton doesn't hold as well. DD peed right through the diaper! Otherwise we would have changed over to those.Wife to PGY5.Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009.
Cat mommy since 2002
"“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"
He does drink a lot before bed because he downs about three cups of milk at dinner around 6 and then gets to bed around 7:30 or 8. I don't think I can restrict milk at dinner.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Alison, he does this at every meal and asks for milk between meals too. He's got an unbelivable appetite. Seriously, eats like three toddlers and is still below the 25th percentile for weight. He sometimes eats more than I do and people are constantly telling me how amazed they are by the amounts he eats and drinks. The peditrician says its fine until he's 2 and after that if his weight remains in average range.
Rainbabies, what sort of training pants did you use? The smallest size I can find is 2T. Will that fit over a size 5 overnight diaper?Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.