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My 1 millionth post about sleep...

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  • My 1 millionth post about sleep...

    What is this? What would you do?...

    DS has a hard time getting back to sleep, especially after about 4:00 in the morning. He will doze, then cry, doze, cry, about every 5-10 minutes. This happens regardless of whether I am holding him in the rocking chair, "sleeping" in bed with him, or just going in to reassure him in his crib. It lasts between 1-2 hours, or sometimes just until he gives up and decides he's awake for the day. I'm exhausted; please help!
    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

  • #2
    Also, I usually offer him a drink of water at first. I've tried both changing his diaper (in case he's uncomfortable) and not changing it (in case that wakes him up too much to go back to sleep).

    One more thing, for those who haven't followed our sleep adventures... He escalates. So leaving him to fuss turns into hysterical crying. He will not cry it out.
    Last edited by ladymoreta; 09-09-2011, 04:51 AM.
    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


    • #3
      I'm a wimp. I nursed K at every wake up and he would go back to sleep. Did the same with E & M was given a little formula each time. They all eventually out grew it and slept through the night (or came to our bed to sleep after waking) by 2years.

      I know, not helpful. Have you tried the Baby Wise book? A friend (with 4 kids) swears by it.
      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


      • #4
        Since it happens whether you are holding him or not, could it be pain of some sort? Belly, bladder, colon? Does he pee and poo consistently? Is his diaper wet at that time?

        Mine all have their sucky sleep habits so I'm not really one who should give advice. Or maybe it's just that all kids have sleep issues at some point or another (or all points ).
        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


        • #5
          How old is he again? Could it be colic?


          • #6
            Thanks for the responses!

            V - he's been night weaned since 11 months, but that's an idea... I'm not nursing anymore, but I might try a little bit of milk. Babywise ended up being too harsh for DS, although most of my friends also swear by it.

            Michele - I do worry about pain of some kind, but we've eliminated all I can think of, and his pediatrician said h couldn't find any physical reason for it. He has lots of wet diapers and at least two BMs per day.

            DD - he's 17 months, so past colic age fortunately.
            My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


            • #7
              My friend (the child development specialist) flew out and completely resolved our sleep issues in a week, and eliminated night feedings. She adapted the Sleep Lady's book to our dd's needs. She went from being a nurse-to-sleep (even when night waking), escalate-to-hysteria baby to saying "buh-bye" to us when we lay her down awake. Never, ever, thought it was possible. I keep telling my friend to start a business.
              Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


              • #8
                I love sleep consultants, and I wish there were more of them! We've made most of our progress since getting a customized sleep plan from The Baby Sleep Site. I guess I should open another ticket with her about this.

                Since I'm usually complaining about DS's sleep, I guess this is also a good time to brag on his progress. He's falling asleep in his crib almost immediately after laying him down - no rocking! And most nights he sleeps until that early-morning waking. Sometimes he just goes right back to sleep. A handful of times, he's slept the whole night. It's a huge improvement!

                So, out of my early-morning-waking-sleep-deprived-stupor, I think this is probably teething related, although we do keep him drugged with Motrin every 6 hours. He has had long wakings most of his life, regardless of teething. But right now he's cutting all four molars. Two have started coming through, and two are still bulging. It could that, even though it seems like the same thing he's always done...
                My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post
                  So, out of my early-morning-waking-sleep-deprived-stupor, I think this is probably teething related, although we do keep him drugged with Motrin every 6 hours. He has had long wakings most of his life, regardless of teething. But right now he's cutting all four molars. Two have started coming through, and two are still bulging. It could that, even though it seems like the same thing he's always done...
                  I was reading this thread and thinking that wake-up behavior sounds exactly like what DS does when teething. It's a different kind of waking (doze-fuss-doze-fuss) than his "normal" night waking (scream-conk out when comforted).

                  And thanks for the update on your progress! That's great. It gives me hope


                  • #10
                    We are working on teeth around here, too. It sounds very similar to what Bean is doing. I hate it. Boo to molars!
                    Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                    Professional Relocation Specialist &
                    "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                    • #11
                      Oh L! This sounds miserable for everyone involved.
                      Could he have reflux or some other kind of GI thing? Constipation?
                      Those are the things that I know have woken M up from sleep...
                      married to an anesthesia attending


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post
                        Since I'm usually complaining about DS's sleep, I guess this is also a good time to brag on his progress. He's falling asleep in his crib almost immediately after laying him down - no rocking! And most nights he sleeps until that early-morning waking. Sometimes he just goes right back to sleep. A handful of times, he's slept the whole night. It's a huge improvement!
                        How about putting him to bed earlier? I was always amazed that my kids would sleep later if I put them to bed earlier!


                        • #13
                          A - he does have reflux (THAT took a year to figure out...), but he's on Zantac, so as long as we don't miss a dose, he shouldn't be uncomfortable from it.

                          Shakti - I think I will try that. We were having trouble with long wakings at around 2:00 a.m. When he was going to bed at 7:00, but they stopped when we pushed it back to 8:00. However, we've let that creep back to 8:30-9:00, so that very well could be causing the early morning waking. Thanks!
                          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                          • #14
                            If you think its teething how about rubbing some oragel baby on his gums/teeth when he first wakes at that early hour & see what happens. It worked great for O and works instantly. It would be easier to administer at that hour than a liquid pain killer.
                            Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                            • #15
                              I'll try that, too!
                              My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

