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Private School

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  • #46
    Originally posted by SuzySunshine View Post
    Given this conversation I thought this was appropriate.
    Thanks for sharing that. I wonder if there's any research to back this up (I agree with her but know if I show my DH he'll ask for proof!)

    I read this book the first time I was pregnant. It's along the same line of thought as the blogger:


    • #47
      C, get back here!!! In my searches for preschools and beyond, I was surprised by how many expensive private schools offer financial aid. This means, that while you may not qualify for it, some schools really hope that offering support will enable anyone who wants to apply to be able to do so. Don't toss out any options at this point. I'm totally oblivious to how other people choose to spend their money--it's not a dealbreaker to me on forming friendships.

      You'll be fine if you keep an open mind!
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #48
        Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
        Me, too--I was trying to respond to the "you pay WHAT??" issue. I deal with it a lot: my parents and ILs constantly give me all sorts of crap for what we pay for DS's school (although no one who actually lives in STL does...). And it's kind of gotten worse, with DH's job hunting. I am just so OVER having to explain my choices re: my kids.
        This!! When dh and I were just looking to get an idea for what we may be in for. Wow!! It was way more than I ever dreamed of.
        Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


        • #49
          We'll most likely do private until 1st grade. The JCC (Jewish equivalent of the Y) where DD is currently in day care goes through K and for 5 days a week full time, cost about same as Cheri was quoting ($7-8000, don't remember exact number). The main reasons we'd keep DD there is that she loves the place and in PA preschool is not mandatory for public schools, so all the programs in our area are only 2 hrs a day and many not even 5 days a week. After having her in day care 5 days a week, I don't think I can go back to 2 days/2 hr arrangement. And if the state budget keeps being cut, who knows if these programs will even exist in the next few years. As far as she's concerned, it'll be just more years of day care. Starting with 1st grade, I definitely want to put her in public school. If she absolutely hates it and can't adjust, my next step would be charter and then private. The private schools here are pretty expensive (starting at $15000 for elementary) and snooty and I don't want to go that route.

