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Toddler sleep and traveling
It's my parents' time share, and it doesn't have a minibar.
I'm pretty sure I know why you all are spacing kids closer together than this or waiting until they're older than 2.5 to add another. Holy smokes!married to an anesthesia attending
Originally posted by alison View PostIt's my parents' time share, and it doesn't have a minibar.
I'm pretty sure I know why you all are spacing kids closer together than this or waiting until they're older than 2.5 to add another. Holy smokes!
I hope she sleeps through tonight so you can all get some rest!Sandy
Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty
We're home! I'm so glad you guys talked me through this and that we stayed. I was so close to throwing in the towel that first night... The second night went much better, where we all got ready for bed, put dd down in her crib, and thought: if she cries, we'll all just hop into the big bed and go to sleep. Well, she never woke up, and dh and I slept on the sofa bed in the living room
The first night was awful. Pretty comical. At one point, dd was singing "Frere Jacques," and slapping dh on the back while putting her own lyrics to the song. They went "I go pee pee, I go pee pee, peeeee peeeee peeee, ON THE POTTY! Mama?!" And then some other jibber jabber in German.
I couldn't help but laugh. Somehow she ended up lying perpendicular to us with her head under my pillow in the morning. Gahhh!!!!
We survived. And the third night last night went fine as well. Dh left me on the sofa bed and he went into the bedroom and slept on the real bed next to dd, because the sofa bed was so uncomfortable. I can pretty much sleep anywhere.. I guess that's the difference between me (slept through the night at 5 weeks old) and dh (didn't sleep through the night until he was 3 and stopped napping at 15 months).
We're home and dd had a hard time readjusting to her bed at first but seems ok now.
Thanks you guys--especially Tara and Peggy. I'm pretty sure I had Tara's post about staying put stuck in my head the rest of the trip.Last edited by alison; 03-03-2012, 12:45 AM.married to an anesthesia attending