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No sleeping unless held?

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  • No sleeping unless held?

    So D won't sleep at all during the day unless we (usually me) are holding her. She sleeps very, very soundly in our arms but if we put her down, she's awake 5 minutes later.

    At night, she'll nurse and I'll hold her for 30-45 minutes until she's in a very deep sleep and then put her down and she will usually sleep for 2 or 3 hours on her own.

    I have been wearing her a lot but at some point I need to put her down. I'm beginning to get really exhausted since she's not sleeping well at night (last few nights were rough) and I can't put her down during the day. "sleep when the baby sleeps" is only good advice if your baby sleeps. I'm not expecting miracles since she's only 5 weeks old but any suggestions on daytime sleeping would be much appreciated!
    Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
    Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.

  • #2
    What have you tried so far that isn't working? swaddling, car seat, bouncy seat, etc?
    Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
    "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


    • #3
      "sleep when the baby sleeps" is only good advice if your baby sleeps
      Actually, I found it to be crappy advice regardless of how your kid sleeps--how else was I supposed to get anything done?

      Swaddling seemed to make a big difference for N at first. Have you tried having Daddy put her down? I found sometimes that was the only things that works...apparently they can smell the milk and want to nurse into infinity? Sort of creepy, actually
      Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


      • #4
        I agree with the swaddling, swaddle her before you nurse her so that she's all set and then put her down. Even during the day, for naps. R slept swaddled at all times until he could get out of it.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          The first few weeks are rough! But at 5 weeks old, you will probably notice a change in her in the next week or two. Hang in there!

          When you are holding her during the day can you lie down with her?
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            Ansley would only nap out of our arms while she was swaddled and in her swing. It will get better though. I totally understand your exhaustion. :hugs:
            -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier


            • #7
              Ah, ok, I think I'll try to swaddle her pre-nursing. I tried it post-feeding and it wakes her up!

              We don't have a swing but I might eventually try that if it doesn't work.

              How long can you swaddle them and then what do you transition to for sleeping? There's NO WAY she would sleep unswaddled at night but I don't know when that changes...
              Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
              Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


              • #8
                When to stop swaddling? When they consistently break out of a good swaddle and sleep anyway.
                Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                • #9
                  What about a white noise machine?
                  married to an anesthesia attending


                  • #10
                    N goes back and forth--she seems to sleep fine without it.

                    At about 9 weeks (I posted a thread about this), we were getting tired of fighting with her for 2 hours every night to go to sleep. She would nurse, scream, nurse, scream, and then eventually fall asleep with J holding her. So finally I tried just laying her down in her co-sleeper in a dark room when she was calm...and she went to sleep. She's gone down between 10-10:30 every night since then...sometimes she lies there awake for awhile and occasionally fusses (we don't let her cry) for her paci when she drops it. From what I've heard I guess we're really lucky, but you might try it in a few weeks. It wont work if she isn't calm, but I didn't think it would work at all--I tried it out of desperation.
                    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                    • #11

                      I'm no help
                      Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


                      • #12
                        4-5 weeks is the time where I wanted to swing from the rafters... DS wouldn't be quiet or fall asleep unless I was holding him, or he was on my body somehow.
                        We invested in a ring sling, since he hated the wraps, and I wore him all the time: awake/asleep.
                        She will eventually mature and grow a little, and it should improve, although D might be gearing up for her "I'll be 8 weeks soon" growth spurt.
                        They're so cute... and so needy. Good thing they're cute, huh? Hang in there! You are a great mom!!
                        Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                        Professional Relocation Specialist &
                        "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GreyhoundsRUs View Post

                          I'm no help
                          Soooo cute!

                          I guess we could try a paci but so far I haven't wanted to (I'm being stubborn). Does the light matter? She doesn't seem to care about light in our arms but I'm wondering if it does if she's alone. Also convinced she might be a stomach sleeper which is approximated when we hold her but I would never put her down that way until she can roll.
                          Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                          Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                          • #14
                            I didn't swaddle or use a pacifier with either of mine (they were not fans of either) but I say do whatever works at this stage! She is far too young to get in a pattern or for you to need to worry about breaking habits. Just getting rest is the priority!

                            Eta the swing worked like a charm with my DD. With my son nothing worked! He just wasn't a daytime sleeper.


                            • #15
                              I was trying not to use the paci either. We lasted 8 days. Kudos to you! Goodness I love that thing, though.
                              Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.

