Any tips? K2(9mo) is teething. He's horrible at it. Gets high fevers and stays up all night screaming. So far, he's cut two bottom teeth and is working on two top teeth. He just started table food and does not yet drink from a sippy cup. He's been biting me when nursing. (Ouch!) When he bites, I've been telling him "nurse nice," taking him off, and letting him cry a little before trying again. After two bites, I pack up the ladies. Twice today, I had to give him bottles in lieu of nursing after he repeatedly bit me. Is it time to wean? Do I resort to nipple shields? I was hoping to wean at about 1 yr.
I already have a biting toddler (who, interestingly, never bit when nursing and only began once he was weaned). I really can't deal with another biter.
I already have a biting toddler (who, interestingly, never bit when nursing and only began once he was weaned). I really can't deal with another biter.