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Post-Weaning Hormone Crash?

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  • Post-Weaning Hormone Crash?

    I may just have a case of garden variety crazy … but is it possible to have hormone swings/blues following weaning? DS went on a nursing strike due to an ear infection and hasn’t nursed in over a week. I don’t want to tandem nurse, so I haven’t encouraged him to nurse and, as a result, it appears that he has officially weaned.

    Emotionally, I’m okay with this. We made it a year and DS hasn’t been asking to nurse and seems completely normal. However, I also feel like I’ve been plunged into PMS hell. I cried the entire way into work today for no reason and am constantly on the edge of tears. I HATE feeling this out of control and am miserable.

    Could this be weaning related? In theory it makes since, but I just don’t know. I don’t think it is pregnancy related. I’m 16 weeks and haven’t had any of these symptoms before in any of my pregnancies. But maybe? I just can’t handle this much longer and am really hoping it’s a fleeting hormonal issue related to DS’s semi-sudden weaning.

  • #2
    I would say it's due to the weaning and the pregnancy and also the exhaustion that comes from working, parenting a toddler, and being pregnant. Try to take it easy (I know that is easier said than done), I'm sure your symptoms will resolve quickly.
    Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


    • #3
      I was pretty emotional following weaning, it went away. It's probably fine, just keep an eye on it. How's your sleep? Maybe that is a contributor? Is there anything I can do to help you out? I'm sure A would love to play with your ds...
      Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


      • #4
        I have no idea, but it makes total sense that it would be hormone-related. Hope you feel better soon!


        • #5
          Thanks guys. I thought about it a lot this afternoon.I think lack of sleep and conflicting feelings regarding this pregnancy (gosh, i feel awful admitting that) are probably contributing, too. I'll give it a couple weeks and if I'm still weepy I'll bring it up at my next prenatal appointment.

          Thanks for the offer, scrub-jay. I'm really okay but we should get the kiddos together regardless. DS thinks older kids are the cat's pajamas.


          • #6
            This is tough to say, but i had tons of mixed feelings about baby #3, and I had many more emotional swings during that pregnancy. I really wanted to have my third when my second was in preschool or kindergarten - I just wasn't ready. I honestly knew the second we conceived (because DH was supposed to be wearing something that he conveniently "forgot"), and immediately started kind of panicking. I also didn't really let myself admit to anyone, including myself, that I just felt overwhelmed and not ready. Then, I felt guilty for having those feelings. My emotions settled down a little when my best friend was brave enough to ask me if I felt conflicted, and I burst into tears that I didn't even realize were waiting to come. I think you probably do have emotions and hormones running crazy. Maybe you should take scrub-jay up on her offer and take a little "me" time. And, if you're not thrilled, it really is okay, and it's going to be okay.
            Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


            • #7
              Yes. I had the blues and terrible mood swings for a few weeks after weaning. I've asked my Ob and she said it's most likely hormone related and to call her if it continues past a couple of weeks.


              • #8
                Wait, whoa! I missed your announcement. Congrats.

                And, K1 weaned pretty much the same way. He quit cold turkey when I was about 12 weeks pg with K2. K1 was 11.5 months. I felt emotional. Prior to that, I was already worried about weaning, felling sad about my changing relationship with K1, his increasing independence, being displaced by a new baby, overwhelmed by a second baby, and so on. It can be a difficult transition.
                Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.

