Please...please help. A is 11 months old, and she STILL doesn't sleep through the night. She has had a few weeks when she will start to only wake up once, and then she reverts right back. It's worse than newborn. She is up every 1.5-2 hours. I am I try to let her cry, but it keeps me up anyway, and then it wakes up A2 and then I have to get the whole house back to sleep. I've taken her to the ped twice thinking maybe she has an ear infection, but NOPE! she's perfectly fine just a huge a hole at night.
We tried Ferber, which worked for a few weeks but then one night I went in when Mike was on call and all of that went straight to hell. I am so tired of this. I'm rapidly aging and the lack of rest is making me a grouchy old lady.
HELP. give me your opinions, tell me what I did wrong, and for the love of everything holy, please tell me she isn't going to be still waking up when she's 10.
We tried Ferber, which worked for a few weeks but then one night I went in when Mike was on call and all of that went straight to hell. I am so tired of this. I'm rapidly aging and the lack of rest is making me a grouchy old lady.
HELP. give me your opinions, tell me what I did wrong, and for the love of everything holy, please tell me she isn't going to be still waking up when she's 10.