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The honest toddler: great blog!

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  • The honest toddler: great blog!

    A sampling of the hilarity is below:

    I want to have a rational discussion about the big bed. I am a reasonable human being and don’t like to see anybody get their feelings hurt.
    Daddy, this post is specifically for you as I can tell you are struggling with your place in this family during the night hours. The question looms every single evening: Who does mommy belong to?
    It’s easy for me to point out the obvious fact that she and I are blood relatives while you two seem to have some sort of contractual relationship, but I want to acknowledge your emotional problems. Who wouldn’t want to snuggle with her? She’s soft and smells great.
    Daddy, are you scared of the dark? It’s OK if you are (LOL) but I just want to know because I am. I know the two of you are convinced that the Fischer Price Ocean Wonders Turtle Nightlight thing is some kind of proverbial night watchman, but I assure you if an owl tried to collect my eyes at 10PM, that $50 construction would prevent nothing.
    My own personal security aside (!), I know that my nighttime requests, occasional flatulence, REM screaming, and kicks to the face can be disconcerting. There’s also only so much space in our bed and I fully own up to taking up 70-80% of it.
    Delicate question: Is it the pee pee? I know rising for a fresh new day partially drenched in someone else’s urine isn’t ideal but I looked it up on Wikipedia and my liquid waste is sterile. You won’t get sick. You may even repel bears during the day. <– I haven’t had a chance to confirm this.
    I feel as if I’m missing something when it comes to your attachment to the big bed. Something I can’t quite put my finger on.
    Bottom line: Nobody likes to sleep alone. You need a restful night’s slumber to prepare for a day of….I don’t know what, and I see how I’ve been a barrier to this.
    Daddy, I see you. I hear you. You’ll be thrilled to know that I’ve come up with a solution that you are sure to find not only satisfactory but quite generous if I do say so myself.

    Wait for it


    Are you familiar with REI? People all over the world who have never seen a mountain in their lives wear fleeces with this company’s logo to become honorary park rangers.
    REI has bounty of cots available that look quite comfortable! Whoa, and it’s on special!
    OK, OK, daddy hold on. I can already feel your resistance. You don’t have to start out the night sleeping on your special adult cot. We’ll all cozy up together in the big bed and once you’re nice and asleep mommy and I will geeeeeeeeeently roll you on to your own fantastic awesome bed which will be right next to ours if you need anything. Anything at all.
    In the morning, feel free to come join us again. Quietly, though, OK?
    I presented this idea to mommy earlier and she laughed and laughed until she had to excuse herself which I took as two thumbs up.
    I hope you’re as excited as I am. Tell you what. Tomorrow, we’re going to pick out some new (twin sized?) special sheets just for you. Anything you want. Mommy and I want you to be happy.
    love, HT
    PS. Check. Mate.
    Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
    Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.

  • #2
    Thank you for posting this! It is too funny!


    • #3


      • #4
        Instantly a new favorite. Hilarious!
        Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


        • #5
          Yes, I love that blog!

