Looking for thoughts and advice. We frequently travel to Florida (at least once a year) where we have family... I am trying to decide whether or not to buy a car seat and leave it there.
Right now DD is 9 months and we could buy her a convertible and leave it there. My sister also has a daughter three months younger and will go in March and would be able to use it as well. DD does not need a seat on the plan until she is 2, so we could potentially avoid the carseat issue until then - and then at that point probably get her a CARES harness. However, this would require us to take DD to the airport in a cab/taxi without a carseat.
Our other option would be to cart the carseat back and forth. (We would buy one of those things that allow you to strap the carseat on it and push around the airport... that is if DD would even tolerate that). Right now, DD is still in her bucket car seat and HATES it... we aren't sure how she will like the convertible seat but don't want to switch yet because we are afraid she will REALLY hate her bucket seat.... and with winter in the midwest I feel like she is safest in her bucket seat because we don't have to worry about bulky coats. Just buckle her up and then zip up the blanket over her.
What I am trying to avoid is buying both an extra carseat and that carseat travel contraption.... I want to just buy one for financial purposes and stick with it. But I'm not sure which route to go.
Right now DD is 9 months and we could buy her a convertible and leave it there. My sister also has a daughter three months younger and will go in March and would be able to use it as well. DD does not need a seat on the plan until she is 2, so we could potentially avoid the carseat issue until then - and then at that point probably get her a CARES harness. However, this would require us to take DD to the airport in a cab/taxi without a carseat.
Our other option would be to cart the carseat back and forth. (We would buy one of those things that allow you to strap the carseat on it and push around the airport... that is if DD would even tolerate that). Right now, DD is still in her bucket car seat and HATES it... we aren't sure how she will like the convertible seat but don't want to switch yet because we are afraid she will REALLY hate her bucket seat.... and with winter in the midwest I feel like she is safest in her bucket seat because we don't have to worry about bulky coats. Just buckle her up and then zip up the blanket over her.
What I am trying to avoid is buying both an extra carseat and that carseat travel contraption.... I want to just buy one for financial purposes and stick with it. But I'm not sure which route to go.