We are expecting baby #2 this summer shortly before DS's 3rd birthday. As an infant DS ended up co-sleeping with us because it was so much easier to nurse at night, plus I work full time and liked being able to get some extra time with him. I used to rock him to sleep and lay him in the crib and then bring him to our bed after he first woke up. At around 18 months we transitioned him to a twin bed and we carried on the same routine. At some point I quit bringing him into our bed and started lying down with him in his bed when he wakes up. I sometimes fall asleep, but eventually try to go back into our master bed. I am torn because although some nights it's a pain I really don't mind it, but I don't think I can keep this up with a nursing baby. We were planning to do something prior to the baby coming so while I was taking some time off from work at Christmas time I tried just sitting at the edge of his bed and patting him, ssshing him, etc and not laying down. This turned into him being up for 2-3 hours a couple nights in a row before I could get him back to sleep. Then on Christmas Eve I wanted us all to get some sleep so we could enjoy Christmas and I gave up.
Also, ever since DS has been tiny his comfort item, lovey, is my hair. He has stuffed animals and blankets that he's attached to, but it's my hair that always wins out. If he's upset or tired and I have my hair up he asks me to take it down for him. I feel like he is going to grow out of this and I will miss the snuggling and him running his fingers through my hair, but I feel like with the baby coming we have a deadline looming. I am thinking of getting a co-sleeper and trying to use that for the new baby instead of having her/him sleep in our bed, but I'm sure that's where the baby will end up eventually. DH is a heavy sleeper though so I wouldn't want to leave the baby in the bed with him to go comfort DS. Any thoughts on how to make the transition to fewer night wakings with DS or how to cosleep with a toddler and infant?
Also, ever since DS has been tiny his comfort item, lovey, is my hair. He has stuffed animals and blankets that he's attached to, but it's my hair that always wins out. If he's upset or tired and I have my hair up he asks me to take it down for him. I feel like he is going to grow out of this and I will miss the snuggling and him running his fingers through my hair, but I feel like with the baby coming we have a deadline looming. I am thinking of getting a co-sleeper and trying to use that for the new baby instead of having her/him sleep in our bed, but I'm sure that's where the baby will end up eventually. DH is a heavy sleeper though so I wouldn't want to leave the baby in the bed with him to go comfort DS. Any thoughts on how to make the transition to fewer night wakings with DS or how to cosleep with a toddler and infant?